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What You Need to Know About Chloroquine and COVID-19

President Donald Trump has been touting the malaria drug chloroquine as a possible miracle drug for coronavirus. Should we all be taking chloroquine?

How Anosmia, or 'Smell Blindness,' Can Help Pinpoint COVID-19

Anosmia is a common symptom of upper respiratory viral infections, but it might also be a way to tell if you have novel coronavirus.

Horses Have an Extraordinary Ability to Help Humans

Horses are extremely sensitive to human emotions, mirroring feelings and providing feedback, which is what makes equine therapy so effective.

How Do Ventilators Work? Why Are They So Critical for the COVID-19 Pandemic?

Ventilators are a critical piece of equipment for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, but how do they work?

Feel Like a Fraud, Despite Your Success? You Might Have Impostor Syndrome

If you constantly feel unworthy of your achievements you may have impostor syndrome. So, who gets it and how do you cope with it?

What's Scarier: No Toilet Paper or Wiping With One of These 5 Alternatives?

What in the world do you wipe with when you're totally out of toilet paper? You can try one of these alternatives.

Why Is It So Hard to Make a Universal Flu Vaccine?

Every year, a version of the flu vaccine must be developed, to compensate for the changes in the flu virus the year before. Will that ever end?

What Is Social Distancing and How Do We Do It Right?

Social distancing is not something most of us are used to. After all, we humans are social creatures. So what is it and how are we supposed to do it?

Epidemiologists Are the 'Disease Detectives' Protecting Public Health

Who do you call when there's a new disease outbreak? An epidemiologist. These disease detectives investigate the who, what, why, when and where of epidemics worldwide.

Baby Won't Sleep? 5 Tips From a Baby Sleep Coach

We talked to an expert to find out the biggest mistakes people make in helping their babies get to sleep and ways to avoid them.

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