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Vitamin E Overview

This vitamin E overview will help you understand the topic. Click here to find this vitamin E overview.

10 Reasons Why Long-distance Relationships Just Don't Work

Here are the 10 reasons long-distance relationships just don't work. Learn why long-distance relationships just don't work.

5 Ways Your Skin Changes During Adolescence

Your skin changes during adolescence -- from acne to smells. See the five ways skin changes during adolescence to know what to expect.

5 Ways to Care for Your Hands Every Day

If you care for your your hands, you limit wear and tear and make a good first impression. See the five ways to care for your hands to get started.

5 Ways to Take Care of Your Feet Every Day

To care for your feet might be the last thing on your mind, until they start hurting. Learn five ways to care for your feet to keep them healthy.

How Many Skin Cells Do We Shed Every Day?

You shed skin cells everyday, but do you know how many? Take a look at the surprising amount of skin cells shed by your body every day.

Ichthyosis Overview

The types of ichthyosis can range from everyday dry skin to more serious, fatal versions. What causes ichthyosis, and how can you treat it?

Risks of Overtraining

The risks of overtraining include an increased chance of injury. Learn how to gauge whether you're overtraining.

VO2 Max

VO2 max is the amount of oxygen your body can use, per kilogram of body weight, per minute. Learn about determining VO2 max.

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