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Is it bad to use makeup remover wipes to clean your face?

Makeup remover wipes can help wash your face in a pinch, but should you use them everyday? Learn the do's and donts of using makeup remover wipes

Should you use a face cleansing brush?

Face cleansing brushes, like Clarisonics, are more popular than ever. But are they worth buying? See if a face cleansing brush will help your skin.

How to Make a Homemade Moisturizer

Homemade moisturizers and face masks are an easy way to save on skin care. Follow our DIY tips for making healthy and safe homemade moisturizers.

Quick Tips: Is It Normal for Your Face to Turn Red After Washing?

Redness on the face is a common problem, but it shouldn't happen every time you wash your face. Find out what causes your face to turn red after washing.

How to Remove Dead Skin from Your Face

Exfoliating your face is the easiest way to remove dead skin. But the skin on your face is sensitive, so follow our exfoliation tips to remove dead skin.

How to Wash Your Face with Olive Oil

Washing your face with olive oil is becoming a new trend. We explain why olive oil and an oil-cleansing method may be the best way to wash your face.

Quick Tips: Is it important that your face wash be antibacterial?

Antibacterial face wash (and other products) are more popular than ever, but is antibacterial face wash a good idea? See if it helps or hurts acne.

Quick Tips: Soy: should it be in your face wash?

Soy can be found in a variety of skin care products, but does it help your skin? We examine soy face washes to determine if soy and your skin mix.

Quick Tips: What's the best climate for skin?

Your climate can make or break healthy skin. So is hot and humid better than cold and dry? See which climate is the best for healthy skin.

Why Petroleum Jelly Is a Great Moisturizer

Petroleum jelly can be a cheap and easy way to moisturize your face. Try these creative ways to use petroleum jelly in your skin care routine.

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