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6 Ways Reading a Book Beats Reading Digitally, Hands Down

Getting lost in a book is one of life's greatest pleasures, but is a digital book just as pleasurable as a paper book? And which format is the best for learning?

Should We Be Worried About Nitrates in Our Food?

Nitrates are found not only in processed meats, but also naturally occur in green vegetables as well. So, are they dangerous?

One Year In: COVID-19 Has Changed Us Forever. Here's How

It's been a year since the World Health Organization officially declared the novel coronavirus a global pandemic. The last 12 months have been truly historic and life-changing in ways that we may not even yet recognize.

Are You "Suffocating" From Empty Nose Syndrome?

Empty nose syndrome is a rare problem where patients have clear nasal passages but constant sensations of being unable to breathe. And worst of all, many doctors believe it's all in their heads.

How Often Should You Replace Your Hairbrush?

When was the last time you cleaned your hairbrush? Or bought a new one? Maybe it's time.

Goatees: Cool and Progressive or Outdated and Passe?

Goatees have been growing on faces for, well, a long time. So has their time come and gone, or are they more popular than ever?

How 'Savant Syndrome' Makes Some People, and Their Brains, Extraordinary

Savant syndrome is a rare condition in which someone with significant mental disabilities demonstrates certain unexplained extraordinary abilities.

Many Animals Have a Cloaca, But Humans Should Not

It's the organ commonly found in animals where multiple body systems come together into one opening for both defecation and reproduction. But in humans, having a cloaca causes huge problems.

Why Breathing Through Your Nose Is Best

We've probably all been breathing wrong our entire lives. Why is that? Experts suggest we should focus on breathing through our noses and most of us don't.

What Is the Rarest Blood Type in the World?

There are eight major blood types and some are more common than others. But what's the rarest of them all?

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