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Your search for "" returned 3,583 results

Black Hairy Tongue: It's Gross, but You'll Live

Has your tongue ever turned black and sort of hairy? HowStuffWorks looks at some causes.

Introvert and Extrovert Brains Aren't the Same

The Part-Time Genius guys discuss what characterizes introverts and how their brains work differently from extroverts'. Read more at HowStuffWorks.

Why Socks Help You Sleep Better

HowStuffWorks explores how socks help regulate your body temperature and allow you to fall asleep faster than going to be with cold feet.

Do You Need Soap to Get Your Dishes Clean?

Do you need soap to get your dishes clean? HowStuffWorks bursts that bubble.

Actually, We're Not Overdoing It on the Salt

A new study concluded that most people were not damaging themselves with too much salt. HowStuffWorks finds out why.

Does Everyone Have the Ability to Become a Genius?

Sudden savant syndrome can make you a math whiz or musical prodigy overnight. HowStuffWorks talked to an expert to find out how it happens.

You're Probably Not Putting on Enough Sunscreen

A new study shows people don't apply enough sunscreen. HowStuffWorks looks at what the right amount is and real-world tips for applying it properly.

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