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What's the Difference Between White Sugar and Brown Sugar?

White and brown sugar differ a lot more than just on color. And within each type are several different varieties.

Ultra-processed Foods Are Addictive by Same Criteria as Tobacco

Can ultra-processed foods really be considered addictive? Or are people just overindulging in foods that they like?

Anesthesia Awareness: When You're 'Awake and Aware' During Surgery

It's rare, but when it happens, it can be traumatic and frightening for those who experience it. But how does such a thing even occur with today's modern medicine?

The True Story of the Blue People of Kentucky

The Fugates and the Combses lost the genetic lottery, as both shared a rare trait that made their skin blue. What happened to the blue people of Kentucky?

Self-navigating Cane Could Better Lives for Visually Impaired

Stanford researchers have developed a new cane, incorporating sensing and wayfinding approaches from robotics and self-driving vehicles. Could this new white cane reshape life for the visually impaired?

Trypanophobia: When the Fear of Needles Has You Stuck

Most people don't like getting shots, but they can do it without much hesitation. But what if you have a debilitating fear of needles? How do you get critical medical care like the COVID-19 vaccine?

1 in 3 Who Had COVID-19 Have Long COVID Symptoms, Says Oxford Study

Who gets long COVID and why still remains a mystery, but several new studies are showing it's much more widespread than we initially thought. So what is long COVID and how can it be treated?

Honey Can Help If Your Child Swallows a Button Battery

If your child swallows a button battery, you need to take them to hospital immediately. But on the way, grab your honey bear. Here's why.

Prehab Could Make Your Recovery From Surgery a Bit Easier

Recovering from any surgery is never as easy as you hope. But putting in some time to get fit before it could make healing a lot easier. Here's how.

7,000 Steps Is the New 10,000 Steps

If you're always falling short of that arbitrary 10,000-step daily goal, we have good news. Your health can benefit just as much if you hit fewer steps, too.

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