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What Is Micellar Water and Should You Try It?

This trendy facial product was well-kept secret among the French. But now it's taken the international market by storm. So what in the heck is it?

People's Bodies Now Run Cooler Than 'Normal' – Even in the Bolivian Amazon

In the U.S., normal body temperature has been dropping over the past 150 years. People run cooler today than they did two centuries ago. Why is that?

When Does Belief in a Conspiracy Theory Like QAnon Tip Into Addiction?

About half of all Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory. But what's the difference between believing a theory and being addicted to it?

You Need It Like a Hole in the Head: The Ancient Medical Art of Trepanation

Drilling a hole in somebody's skull was all the rage 4,000 to 12,000 years ago. In fact, 5 to 10 percent of skulls from this period have a hole in them, made while the person was still alive. The question is, why?

Why Anti-anxiety Drug Phenibut Is So Controversial

Phenibut is sold in Russia as an anti-anxiety drug and online as a brain booster. But it's not licensed as medication in many countries because of its side effects.

Get to Know Proprioception, Your Silent Sixth Sense

Proprioception is our ability to perceive our body's position and how we move through space. It's considered our 'sixth' sense because we do it without thinking about it.

Cyanosis: Why Your Fingers Turn Blue

It might be OK for a Smurf to have blue fingers, but for the rest of us, it's something you don't want to see. Cyanosis is usually a sign of a bigger health problem.

Do Blue Light Glasses Even Work?

During the coronavirus pandemic, our collective screen time has shot way up. Should we be donning blue light glasses while we're staring at screens?

Embracing Ennui: How Boredom Can Be Good for You

Everyone experiences boredom at some point and maybe even ennui, a chronic type of boredom. But surprisingly, ennui does have some benefits.

Is Running Every Single Day Good for Your Body?

Some say it's not good to run every single day without letting the body rest. But others take running streaks to another level.

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