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Can Foods Really Bolster Your Immune System?

It's something we hear or read a lot: Certain foods can help your immune system. But what does that really mean? And is there any science behind it?

What Does It Mean If Your Blood Oxygen Level Is Low?

A low oxygen level in your blood is a good indicator of a COVID-19 infection, but what exactly does that mean and how do doctors test for it?

What the 1919 Anti-Mask League Can Teach Us About Public Health

Despite strict closing and mask orders, San Francisco was hit hard by the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic. But some residents balked at the rules and that meant more people died.

Yes, Hot Yoga Can Still Be Hot at Home

During this time of social distancing, many hot yoga aficionados miss the heat of the studio, but our experts say you can create that heat at home.

Isolation and Monotony Stress the Brain. Here's How to Cope

Social isolation and monotony in these days of COVID-19 may seem like passive problems, but they actually trigger the brain's stress reactions.

How Telemedicine Can Help You During COVID-19 and Beyond

Since the COVID-19 outbreak has people self-quarantining, telemedicine has become a big alternative. But if you've never done it, what can you expect?

Booze-makers Become Germ-busters to Help Stop COVID-19

As COVID-19 rages around the world, distilleries quickly ramp up the switch from booze to hand sanitizer in an all-out effort to curb the spread.

Nematodes: Do We Still Need to Worry About Roundworms and Bare Feet?

When you were a kid, your mom probably told you not to go around barefoot because you could get worms. But are nematodes still a problem today?

7 Great Ways to Stay Fit in Da House!

Exercise is more important than ever — it decreases tension and elevates moods — both critical now. So how do you stay fit from home? We'll show you.

How 'Charlotte's Web' Went From Iconic Kid Lit to Popular CBD Brand

A little girl with epilepsy caused the mash-up of a beloved children's book title and a CBD oil that changed medical history.

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