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Man's War With Unwanted Body Hair

After a certain age, a lot of men start growing hair in places they don't want it — and stop growing it where they do. HOwStuffWorks looks at why.

Yes, You Can Catch Up On Your Sleep!

HowStuffWorks looks at a new study suggesting that sleeping in on the weekends is good for you.

Why Aren’t There More Patterns in Male Pattern Baldness?

HowStuffWorks explores why male pattern baldness follows such a predictable path of baldness at the top with a fringe around the side.

The Man Whose Blood Saved More Than 2 Million Babies

James Harrison produces a rare antibody in his blood called RhD immunoglobulin that's saved millions of Australian babies. Read more at HowStuffWorks.

You Can't Name Your Baby That!

Naming a new baby can be a tricky business. HowStuffWorks looks at some caveats.

The FDA and America's Frightening Food System

The FDA is supposed to ensure the food we eat are safe. Stuff They Don't Want You To Know looks at whether the foods we eat are actually safe.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Your Belly Button

HowStuffWorks explores little-know facts about belly buttons, like why there is lint inside and why some people don't have a navel.

A Hairy History of Eyebrow Trends

HowStuffWorks looks at eyebrow shapes throughout history and the celebrities who pioneered the looks from Marlene Dietrich to Cara Delevingne.

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