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Your search for "" returned 3,583 results

The Positives of Princess Culture

HowStuffWorks Now talks with experts and parents about Disney princess culture and what being a princess really means.

Could Your Smartphone Cause Temporary Blindness?

Researchers have identified something called transient smartphone blindness. HowStuffWorks Now explains what that it is.

How Long Can Human Fingernails Grow?

Fingernails can grow to extreme lengths. Learn more about how long and fast fingernails can grow in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

Can U.S. Doctors Legally Ask Patients About Gun Ownership?

Can U.S. doctors ask their patients about guns? Are there laws against that? Learn more about guns and health care in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

10 Emergency Medical Procedures That Can Be Done on the Fly

You won't believe the emergency medical procedures people perform on the spot. Check out some you could do on the fly at HowStuffWorks.

How 17 Equals 49.6: The Amazing Multiplying Women

People consistently overestimate the female presence — in film, in the workplace, even on HowStuffWorks podcasts. Learn more at HowStuffWorks Now.

Why Men Don't Like to Go to the Doctor

A new study explains why men don’t like to go to the doctor. HowStuffWorks Now explores the reasons.

I Used My Chronotype Info to Revamp My Life: Here's What Happened

A new book says living life according to your chronotype gets you closer to happiness. A HowStuffWorks Now writer decides to test it out.

This Man Carried His 'Heart' in a Backpack for Over a Year

Stan Larkin lived with his 'heart' in a backpack for more than a year. Learn how he did it from HowStuffWorks Now.

Why Some People Will Do Anything to Avoid Pooping in Public Toilets

What's up with public toilet anxiety? Learn more about what makes people too anxious to use the bathroom in public in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

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