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5 Most Stressful Hospital Jobs

Which hospital job is the most stressful? Find out how nurses, billing specialists and medical interns rank.

11 of the Most Unhealthy Fast Food Items

It’s no secret that fast foods are among some of the most unhealthy things you can eat, but some choices are better than others and many restaurants are offering low fat, low-carb options… but these 11 foods are not those options.

Can antibiotics damage your eyes?

Are antibiotics bad for your eyes? Find out if antibiotics damage your vision.

Can you take ibuprofen with antibiotics?

Is taking ibuprofen with antibiotics safe? Mixing medications can be tricky. Read on to learn about ibuprofen and antibiotics.

Do antibiotics affect your birth control?

If you're on the birth control pill and taking antibiotics, are you at risk for an unintended pregnancy? Find out.

Is sitting too close to the TV really bad for your eyes?

Did you ever wonder why your parents told you not to sit so close to the TV? Get the answer at HowStuffWorks.

How long does alcohol stay in your system?

How long does alcohol say in your system? Find out and learn a little blood alcohol math.

Is there a link between alcohol and diabetes?

Is it safe to drink alcohol if you have diabetes? Learn about the relationship between alcohol and diabetes to get informed.

What does alcohol proof mean?

Alcohol proof is always twice the alcohol percentage, right? Wrong. Learn what alcohol proof really means.

What is the relationship between alcohol and gout?

Is drinking alcohol OK if you have gout? Learn about the relationship between gout and alcohol to get informed.

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