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Your search for "" returned 3,583 results

What is a Concussion?

Worried that your child has a concussion? Learn to recognize the symptoms of a concussion and what causes them.

What Is CrossFit?

Have you ever wondered what CrossFit is exactly and what this workout entails? Read on to learn and the pros and cons of the CrossFit workout.

10 Grossest Things in Your Body Right Now

Human bodies are wonderlands of grossness. You might be shocked to know some of the nastiest things your body is harboring right this minute.

How to Get Rid of Dry Skin on Your Feet

Dry skin on your feet is a fashion faux pas, especially during sandal season. Remove dry skin on your feet with our moisturizing tips.

How to Treat Red Skin on Your Face

Red skin on your face can be embarrassing and hard to treat. Learn what causes red skin on the face and safe, surefire ways you can treat it.

Oil Cleansing: Does Castor and Olive Oil Face Wash Really Work?

Oil cleansing is become a beauty trend. But do castor and olive oil belong in your face wash? We'll help you see if oil cleansing is for you.

Quick Tips: Do Face Creams Increase Histamine?

Face creams can cause unwanted reactions to those with sensitive skin. But do they increase histamine. Learn how face creams affect histamine levels

Quick Tips: Should You Wash Your Face with Bleach?

Washing your face with bleach may be a tempting alternative if you have severe acne. Learn the risks and rewards of washing your face with bleach

5 Ingredients to Avoid in Your Face Wash

With hundreds of face wash options, how do you choose the right one? Skip these face wash ingredients to keep a clear complexion.

5 Oils Good for Dry Skin

Forget lotions – try oils for dry skin! From grapeseed to olive oil, we found five soothing oils that will treat dry skin.

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