Quiz: Do You Know Where Body Parts, Like the Spleen, Are Located?

By: Alia Hoyt
Estimated Completion Time
2 min
Quiz: Do You Know Where Body Parts, Like the Spleen, Are Located?
Image: Lancaster University

About This Quiz

Most of us are hard-pressed to correctly identify where even the most common body parts are located, according to a study by Lancaster Medical School in England. The researchers asked participants to ID body parts like the spleen, liver and quadriceps on a blank template of the human body. The only part everyone got correctly was the brain. Think you can do better? Take this quiz and find out!
If you're using your cornea, what are you doing?
The outermost layer of the eye, the cornea, was the second-most identified structure by survey respondents (tied with biceps). All parts of the eyes are important, but this particular piece is a major force in helping you focus.
Where are the adrenal glands located?
on top of the kidneys
Only 15 percent of study participants knew that the adrenal glands, which regulate hormones like adrenaline and hydrocortisone, are located on top of the kidneys. Most believed them to be in the neck area!
in the neck
In the groin area
A person who feels gallbladder pain would experience it where?
in the intestines
upper right section of the abdomen
Just one-quarter of respondents identified the gallbladder correctly as being in the upper right section of the abdomen, under the liver.
lower left section of the abdomen


A pulled hamstring affects which body part?
Athletes who sprint a lot most commonly experience pulled or strained hamstrings, which involves injury to one or more muscles found in the back of the thigh.
Where is the human spleen located?
under the ribcage, above the stomach
Only 20 percent of those surveyed knew that the spleen, which acts as a blood filter and keeps infection at bay, is located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen, above the stomach and behind the ribcage.
between the kidneys
next to the liver
Your diaphragm helps you breathe (respirate). Where's it located?
under your collarbone
halfway down the chest behind the breasts
The diaphragm is one of the body parts that helps with breathing, but is also an important part of actions like vomiting, sneezing and coughing.
in your nasal cavity


Which organ is in front of the pancreas?
At 6 inches (15 centimeters) long, the pancreas is located behind the stomach across the back of the abdomen.
The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that secretes important hormones. Where is it?
in front of the neck
When the thyroid is enlarged, it can actually be seen and/or felt. Some causes include Graves' disease, thyroiditis and goiter.
next to your brain
near the reproductive organs
If you're doing tricep dips at the gym, which part of the arm are you working?
the forearm
the back part of the upper arm
Not to be confused with the bicep, which is the big muscle on the front part of the arm, the tricep runs between the shoulder and elbow, along the back side of the upper arm.
the part of your arm below your elbow


Your appendix has to come out! From where will the doctor be taking out this organ?
from your stomach
from your colon
The appendix is a pouch attached to the end of your colon. However, most people first experience appendicitis pain in their abdomen.
from one of your kidneys
A football player tears his ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). Which part of the body is affected?
the ankle
the knee
This knee injury usually happens to athletes in sports that do lots of sudden changes in direction or stops. The tissue connects the shinbone, also known as the tibia, to the thigh bone (aka the femur).
the groin
If a person has a cervical rib, where is it found?
in between both sides of the rib cage
at the bottom of the left rib cage
at the base of the neck to the collarbone
Most people have 12 ribs on each side of the cage. Somewhere between .05 and 3 percent of people have a bonus rib, called a cervical rib. Unfortunately, this rib can cause health problems.


You're using a group of muscles known as "auriculares." What body part are they moving?
the ears
Only about 15 percent of people are able to move their ears using these muscles!
the eyebrows
the scalp
Where's your liver located?
on top of your bladder
below your intestines
on top of your stomach
Your liver is in the upper right-hand part of the abdomen, on top of the stomach, right kidney and intestines.
The mesentery was only recently determined to be an organ. Where is it found?
connecting the abdomen to the stomach, intestines and other organs
A 2016 study found that the mesentery is a singular organ, rather than a pile of membranes. It connects the abdomen with lots of important organs!
behind the perineum
in the inner ear


You can't live without a beating heart. Where is this most important organ found?
right in the middle of your chest
slightly to the left of the middle of your chest
Your heart is a muscle located a little to the left of the middle of your chest.
slightly to the right of the middle of your chest
Everyone has a philtrum. Where is it?
the space between the eyebrows
the groove above the upper lip
Also known as the medial cleft, the philtrum probably helped with sense of smell back in the day. Now, it's pretty much irrelevant, as people rely more on sight than smell to get by.
the curve of the upper ear
The axilla can get pretty stinky. Where is it?
between the toes
under the arm
A handful of sweat glands exist in the axilla (armpit), which is why we wear deodorant.
around the anus


Everyone has a hallux, hopefully two. What is it?
big toe
The hallux, or big toe, is critical to helping maintain proper balance.
What area of the body does the thorax protect?
the heart and lungs
The thorax is the part of the chest where the ribs are. It protects some pretty important stuff, including the lungs, heart and a whole mess of blood vessels.
the inner ears
the sinus cavity
You Got:
Lancaster University