Search Results | how heart works

Your search for "how heart works" returned 776 results

How Dying Works

Dying is the natural end to life, but knowing that doesn't make the physical reality of death any easier. Find out what happens to the body as it's dying.

How does acupressure work?

When I get a headache, my friend presses a spot on my hand. Somehow, this makes my headache go away. How does this work?

Questions to Ask Brain Specialists

Questions to ask brain specialists will help you be more prepared for this conversation. Learn more about questions to ask brain specialists from HowStuffWorks.

How Hiccups Work

Hiccups are those annoying, involuntary fits that make it nearly impossible to carry on a conversation. Find out how hiccups work.

How does aging work?

How does aging work? Take look at some of the common internal and external signs of aging and ways to reduce the aging of the skin at HowStuffWorks.

Why does caffeine keep you awake?

Caffeine effects include an increase in your heart rate and an increased level of alertness. Learn more about some of the different caffeine effects.

How Insomnia Works

As many as 10 percent of adults are experiencing mild insomnia at any time. Find out what causes this extremely common condition and what might help.

The Basics of Qi

Qi ("chee") is one of the vital substances of traditional Chinese medicine. Learn more about this life force and the role it plays in your health.

10 Facts About Eating Disorders

These facts about eating disorders shed light on how common and how dangerous these disorders can be. See 10 facts about eating disorders to learn more.

10 Common Perimenopause Symptoms

Knowing about perimenopause symptoms can help you take care of your body and plan ahead. See 10 common perimenopause symptoms at HowStuffWorks.

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