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10 Strange Addictions

What strange addiction are some people compelled to do? Learn about 10 strange addictions here.

15 Celebrities With Mental Health Disorders

Celebrities have mental health disorders too. See these list of 15 celebrities with mental health disorders to get the inside scoop.

20 Diseases You've Probably Never Heard Of

There are many diseases out there you've never heard of. We've put together the top 20 diseases you've probably never heard of that are rare and unusual.

Passionfruit: Natural Food

The passion fruit has a brittle, wrinkled purple-brown rind enclosing flesh-covered seeds, something like a pomegranate. Learn more about the passion fruit in this article.

Plantains: Natural Food

Plantains resemble bananas but they are longer in length, thicker skinned, and starchier in flavor. In most countries, plantains are used more like a vegetable than a fruit. Learn more about plantains in this article.

The 5 Most Important Things to Know About Aging

What do you know about aging? If you learn how your body works, you can live longer. See the five most important things to know about aging.

Top 10 Beach Hazards

If you're heading to the beach, you need to be aware of some beach hazards. Learn about the top 10 beach hazards here to be prepared.

Top 10 Causes of Low Birth Weight Babies

There are many causes for low birth weight babies. Here are the top 10 reasons for low birth weight babies.

Top 10 Radical Parenting Methods

Parenting is a tough job but a lot of people are doing it. Learn more about the different radical parenting methods in this article.

Top 10 Rare Diseases

Rare diseases are usually genetic, but environmental factors can play a role. Take a look at the top 10 rare diseases that you may never have heard of.

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