How to Make Skin Care Products

Woman hands with cream isolated on white
Save money on skin care products by making these easy recipes at home.
© Ivanova

There's no need to spend lots of money on manufactured skin care products. Check out these easy and gentle recipes you can use at home.

In addition to treating wrinkles, you can provide extra nourishment and pampering for your skin that will make it look healthier. See the next pages to learn how to make skin creams, toners, facial hair bleaches, lotions and more.


Skin Food Cream

If you want to replenish your skin's beneficial oils and supply it with nutrients, there's no need to buy expensive cosmetics. This gentle cream is as rich as they come.



  • Measuring spoons
  • Double boiler
  • Mixing spoon
  • Measuring cup
  • Mixing bowl
  • Wire whisk or egg beater
  • Small jar with cover


  • Beeswax
  • Coconut oil
  • Anhydrous lanolin
  • Almond oil or heavy mineral oil
  • Tincture of benzoin
  • Orange flower water

Note: Buy the ingredients at a pharmacy.

Yield: About 51/2 ounces

Melt 1/2 ounce -- about 1 tablespoon -- of beeswax in a double boiler; add 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) of anhydrous lanolin, and stir to blend thoroughly. Stir in 2 ounces (1/4 cup) of almond oil or heavy mineral oil, 2 or 3 drops of tincture of benzoin, and 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) of orange flower water.

Caution: Almond oil vapors are toxic.

Pour the mixture into a mixing bowl and beat it with a wire whisk or an egg beater until it's creamy. Spoon the cream into a small jar and cover it tightly.

To use, rub the cream into the skin and massage vigorously.


Tissue-toning Cream

Tissue-toning creams add moisture to dry skin and improve its texture. This cream preparation is easy and inexpensive to make.



  • Double boiler
  • Measuring cup
  • Measuring spoons
  • Two small saucepans
  • Mixing spoon
  • Pint jar with cover


  • Beeswax
  • Anhydrous lanolin
  • Almond oil or heavy mineral oil
  • Witch hazel
  • Rose water
  • Borax

Note: You can buy these ingredients at a pharmacy.

Yield: About 10 ounces

Melt 1 ounce of beeswax -- about 2 tablespoons -- in the top of a double boiler; add 1/4 cup (2 ounces) of anhydrous lanolin. Warm 5 ounces of almond oil or heavy mineral oil in a small saucepan and add it to the lanolin-and-wax mixture; stir to blend.

Caution: Almond oil vapors are toxic.

In another small pan, heat 2 tablespoons of witch hazel and 2 tablespoons of rose water; dissolve a pinch of borax in this solution. Add to the lanolin-and-wax mixture and mix thoroughly. Pour the mixture into a pint jar and cover it tightly.

Apply the cream sparingly and rub it into your skin gently.


Wrinkle Cream

Wrinkle creams are expensive, and the more elegant, the higher the price. This recipe is a little unusual, but it works.



  • Small dish
  • Measuring spoons
  • Measuring cup
  • Mixing spoon
  • Double boiler
  • Electric mixer
  • Clean jar with cover


  • Alum
  • Orange flower water
  • Gelatin
  • Glycerin
  • Anhydrous lanolin
  • Spirits of camphor
  • Tincture of benzoin

Note: Buy the ingredients at a pharmacy.

Yield: About 11/2 cups

In a small dish, dissolve 1/4 teaspoon of alum in 2 teaspoons of orange flower water; add 1 teaspoon of gelatin and soak until the gelatin is softened. Add 1/4 cup of glycerin and pour into the top of a double boiler; heat over low heat until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add 8 ounces of lanolin to the mixture and stir it together slowly. Add 1/4 teaspoon of spirits of camphor and 1/4 teaspoon of tincture of benzoin; stir to blend. Remove from heat. Beat the warm mixture with an electric mixer at medium speed until the cream is cool and fluffy. Spoon into a clean jar and cover tightly.

Apply to the skin at night; massage the cream in well for 5 to 10 minutes.


Healing Skin Balm

This simple balm is ideal for chapped hands or windburned skin.



  • Measuring cup
  • Double boiler
  • Measuring spoons
  • Mixing spoon
  • Small jar with cover


  • Water
  • Powdered laundry starch
  • Glycerin
  • Bay rum
  • Cologne

Yield: About 1/2 cup

Measure 1/4 cup of cold water into the top of a double boiler; add 2 tablespoons of powdered laundry starch and 1/4 cup of glycerin and mix well. Heat over low heat, stirring continually, until slightly thickened; be careful not to let the mixture lump. Let cool slightly; then add 2 teaspoons of bay rum and 3 to 4 drops of your favorite cologne. Pour the mixture into a small jar and cover it tightly. Apply as needed.


Facial Hair Bleach

This effective cream hair bleach is both inexpensive and easy to prepare.



  • Measuring spoons
  • Mixing bowl
  • Mixing spoon


  • Hydrogen peroxide (3 percent solution)
  • Ammonia
  • White henna

Yield: Enough for one application

Measure 2 tablespoons of 3 percent solution hydrogen peroxide into a mixing bowl; make sure the peroxide is fresh and at full strength. Add 10 drops of ammonia and stir in enough white henna to produce a smooth paste, not too thick or too runny.

Apply the bleach to the hair and leave it on for about 15 minutes, or until the desired shade is achieved. Rinse off the bleach thoroughly. Complete the treatment by washing thoroughly.


After-shave Lotion

There's an amazing array of aftershaves available, and most of them are expensive. This one, besides being cheap and easy to make, is an excellent preparation for closing the pores.



  • Large mixing bowl
  • Measuring spoons
  • Mixing spoon
  • Measuring cup
  • Gallon jar with lid
  • Funnel
  • Coffee filter


  • Boric acid
  • Glycerin
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Witch hazel
  • Water
  • Cologne as desired

Yield: 1 gallon

Measure 1 tablespoonful of boric acid into a large mixing bowl and add 1/2 cup of glycerin; mix thoroughly, being careful to get all the lumps out. Stirring constantly, add 1 pint of rubbing alcohol and 1 pint of witch hazel. Let stand 1 hour.

Pour the mixture into a clean gallon jar through a funnel lined with a clean coffee filter; add water to the jar to fill it completely. If desired, add a few drops of your favorite cologne.


Foot Bath

Mix this foot bath to relieve tired, aching feet in short order.



  • Measuring cup
  • Mixing bowl
  • Mixing spoon
  • 2-pound coffee can or large jar with cover


  • Alum
  • Borax
  • Epsom salts
  • Colloidal oatmeal

Note: Buy the ingredients at a pharmacy.

Yield: About 11/2 to 2 pounds

Measure 1/4 cup of alum, 1/8 cup of borax, and 1 cup of Epsom salts into a mixing bowl; mix the ingredients thoroughly. Add 1 cup of colloidal oatmeal and mix well again. Pour the mixture into a clean, 2-pound coffee can or a large jar, and cover it tightly.

To use the preparation, stir 1/2 tablespoon of this mixture into a basin of warm water.


Lots More Information

Related Articles
  • Carmindy's Daily Skin Care Regimen
  • How to Make Facial Products
  • Skin Care Basics
  • Uses for Salt: Health and Beauty

