
There are many approaches and countless factors that make up a persons overall wellness. HowStuffWorks has extensive coverage on the different types of natural medicine such as DIY remedies and traditional Chinese medicine.

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Maintaining clean retainers is an essential part of oral hygiene, ensuring dental health and a beautiful smile. Whether you have permanent or removable retainers, it's important to understand how to clean retainers properly to avoid plaque buildup and harmful bacteria.

By Karina Ryan

Discover the power of sound frequency healing! Learn how vibrations and frequencies can restore balance, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

By HowStuffWorks

Living in one of the most walkable cities in the U.S. offers a wealth of benefits. It promotes a healthier lifestyle, reduces environmental impact by reducing dependence on cars and even boosts the city's economy. And it fosters a sense of community by encouraging interaction among neighbors.

By Ada Tseng


With many options available, choosing the healthiest bottled water depends on factors like source, minerals, pH level, and purity.

By Ada Tseng

For at least the last half century, obesity has been one the rise around the world, contributing to what many officials consider a public health crisis. While there remains some controversy about how to accurately quantify the risks, the worldwide obesity rate continues to climb, and with it, a host of health problems.

By Zach Taras

Magnesium glycinate and magnesium citrate are two similar sounding but distinct chemical compounds that can have differing effects on the human body when consumed orally. Both may also be effective at treating magnesium deficiency.

By Talon Homer

Those with strong stomachs may have watched the videos making the rounds of people who have tonsil stones. What are tonsil stones you ask? They're smelly, little white globs of who knows what that get built up in the, well, pockets of tonsils. Those with weaker stomachs can skip the videos and head right for the info below. And those with maybe a little tendency toward hypochondria will be glad to know tonsil stones are probably no big deal, even if they're gross.

By Kristen Hall-Geisler


Ever go to the movies or a rock concert and been blasted by the sound? You may not realize it while it's happening, but ongoing exposure to loud sounds at these venues can damage your hearing.

By Cory Portnuff

We've always heard taking 10,000 steps daily is the key to a healthy lifestyle. So how many miles is in 10,000 steps anyway?

By Mitch Ryan

When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? And how often should you?

By Sharise Cunningham

DMT users report seeing otherworldly beings or "DMT entities," commonly described as "DMT elves." What's the science behind these reports?

By Kate Morgan


You may have heard of kava, or kava kava, and its calming effects, but how much do you know about its history and the risks associated with taking it?

By Jennifer Walker-Journey

Witch hazel is a shrub with an unusual name that's been used for centuries to treat many skin conditions. So, how did it get its name and what can you use it for?

By Melanie Radzicki McManus

Many of us are well aware that ultra-processed foods are harmful for our health. Two new studies have shown that poor nutrition may not be the only resulting health problem.

By Richard Hoffman

We talked to a virologist who answers six questions about how the monkeypox vaccines work, who can get them and how well they prevent infection.

By Maureen Ferran


More than 3.5 billion women menstruate every month worldwide. Menstrual leave policies could help modernize our collective response to a natural biological occurrence.

By Laurie L. Dove

One epidemiologist scoured the latest research and has some answers.

By Katelyn Jetelina

We talked to Deepak Chopra about how to deal with the stress of 2022 and another year of COVID-19, and whether meditation can relieve the weight that goes along with it.

By Jennifer Walker-Journey


The CORBEVAX vaccine was developed with global access in mind. It is a low-cost, easy-to-produce and -transport vaccine and the $7 million needed for development was provided by philanthropists.

By Maureen Ferran

Some runners swear by them, but others not so much. Can wearing minimalist running shoes improve your running - for life? We talked to an Olympic marathoner to find out.

By Stephanie Vermillion

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, people who were previously vaccinated are now being asked to get booster shots. Is there a way to know whether your previous shot might still be valid?

By Alia Hoyt

White and brown sugar differ a lot more than just on color. And within each type are several different varieties.

By Melanie Radzicki McManus


If you're always falling short of that arbitrary 10,000-step daily goal, we have good news. Your health can benefit just as much if you hit fewer steps, too.

By Lindsay Bottoms

A landmark study showed that switching from salt to a salt substitute could lower the risk of strokes, heart disease and premature death.

By Alia Hoyt