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10 Common Indoor Air Pollutants

You spend one third of your life asleep. But you spend your entire life breathing. Learn more about these 10 common indoor air pollutants.

40 Amazing Uses for Aloe Vera

If you've only used aloe vera gel to soothe a sunburn, you're missing a lot. Behold one of the most multitasking plants on the planet.

5 Ways to Detox Naturally Before Pregnancy

Important advice for being as healthy as possible before pregnancy. Learn more about these 5 ways to detox naturally before pregnancy.

5-Minute Workout for Sexy Leg... In Bed

Learn a 5-Minute Workout for Sexy Leg... In Bed! Keep reading and discover how to get sexy legs without leaving your bed!

7 Countries Home to the World's Healthiest People

7 Countries Home to the World's Healthiest People will show you some of the healthiest countries. Read Countries Home to the World's Healthiest People.

7 Natural Hangover Cures that Work

From someone who has tested them all and found hangover relief. Learn more about these 7 natural hangover cures that work.

8 Reasons You Should Stop Drinking Milk Now

What could be more American than a glass of milk? Cow's milk, that is. In light of this common perception, the time is long overdue to add the milk mustache to that ever-growing list of American myths.

8 Ways Laughter Can Help You Naturally Improve Your Health and Lose Weight

Laughter isn't just an external expression of hilarity, it's actually a green exercise that can help you to burn calories, improve your immune system, and induce a stress-relieved state.

A Hot Dog a Day Increases Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer By 21 Percent

The Cancer Project’s latest billboard shows a pack of hot dogs coming out of a pack of cigarettes. At first I thought this was somewhat dramatic but the fact of the matter is that it’s a fair comparison.

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