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What Is Long-term Care Insurance, and Do You Need It?

The No. 1 retirement worry is running out of money. Long-term care insurance is one way to plan for the future but is it worth the cost?

How Doctor On Demand Works

Not crazy about going into your doctor's or therapist's office these days? You might be interested in a telemedicine service like Doctor on Demand. Here's how it works.

STUG: When Grief Hits Like a Bolt Out of the Blue

A sudden (or subsequent) temporary upsurge of grief, or STUG, can knock you off your feet and leave you in a puddle, but being aware of it can lessen its power.

Why Your Baby Could Be Giving You Mommy Thumb

New parents — especially new moms — are prone to an ailment known as mommy thumb. It's painful and real, but what is it and how is your baby causing it?

Thalassophobia: Do You Fear the Deep Ocean?

Should we blame this on the movie 'Jaws'? Many people have a fear of the ocean and what lies beneath it. How can you cope with this?

Box Breathing Could Help Curb Your Freak-out Moments

Stressed out because of work, kids' virtual school and a raging pandemic? Box breathing might be just the chill pill you need.

What Does Science Say About the Health Benefits of Cordyceps?

Cordyceps is a parasitic fungus that grows on insects. It's been used in Chinese medicine for centuries and is said to fix a host of health issues. But is it too good to be true?

Spanking Has Declined Sharply in the U.S. in Last 25 Years, Study Finds

Parents in the U.S. are spanking their kids much less often than they did in the past. A study looked at the decline between 1993 and 2017.

Why Are People With Trypophobia Horrified By Holes?

Trypophobia is the fear — or more like disgust — of closely packed holes. But is it a real phobia and how can it be treated?

Why You May Like Floating in a Sensory Deprivation Tank

Floating in a sensory deprivation tank is a form of restricted environmental stimulation therapy. Studies have shown it can be good for your mind and body.

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