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Do You Need to Have a Positive Attitude to Beat Cancer?

Friends often tell cancer patients to "stay positive" in order to beat the disease. But is there any scientific proof that positivity helps with cancer survival?

No One Can Live Without a Mesentery, But What Does It Do?

In 2017, scientists discovered the 79th organ of the body. What took them so long and what does it do?

Bruce Willis Has Aphasia. What Is It and What Causes It?

The director of the Aphasia Research Laboratory at Boston University explains the condition forcing Bruce Willis to retire from acting, including what treatment options could be available.

What Causes Nightmares, and How Can You Lessen Them?

You've probably had a scary dream where you fell off a cliff, were naked in public or were chased by a monster. What causes these nightmares and can you lessen their occurrence?

Why Are Potassium Iodide Pills Selling Like Crazy?

Demand for potassium iodide pills has surged since Russia attacked Ukraine and threats of nuclear war loom. But why these pills, and what do they have to do with nuclear radiation?

The World's Longest Poop Story Is a Crock of, Well ...

Maybe you've seen those fantastical stories saying the world's longest piece of poop is 26 feet? Is that even possible? Where does crap like this come from?

Why Are Some Shots Given in the Arm and Some in the Bum?

It all comes down to the type of medicine, how much is required, and how quickly it needs to be absorbed.

Youth Suicides Rose After FDA Added Antidepressant Warnings

FDA antidepressant warnings have led to reduced mental health care and increased suicides among youth, so what is going on?

What Is the Healthiest Position for Sleep?

Getting enough sleep and finding the healthiest position to sleep in go hand in hand. So, side, back, stomach? Which is the healthiest way to sleep?

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