When it comes to dating, as you've probably learned, the fifth-grade routine of washing behind the ears and changing underwear more-or-less daily doesn't cut it. The fresh-from-the-laundry-hamper look may be fine for an afternoon of shooting hoops with the guys. But show up on your date's doorstep looking like that, and the biggest bouquet of roses won't hide the pizza stains and whiff of garlic.
At the same time, most women don't expect a guy to look like he stepped out of the pages of an Aéropostale ad. They do expect his appearance to communicate confidence and respect -- for himself and for them.
The tips and techniques described in these pages will get you started. No waxing your nose hairs or locking yourself in the bathroom to apply an avocado face mask. Just pointers that'll serve you well throughout your dating life and beyond. Like a no-look pass on the basketball court, achieving that crisp, sharp look is a simple matter of doing the little things well.
First, some advice on taking care of your skin.