
Whether you're a teenager awaiting her first kiss or over your forties and already a parent, dating can be exhilarating and terrifying all at once. Make sense of dating and learn about the science behind love and relationships.

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Maybe you really can be loved just for your mind.

By Michelle Konstantinovsky

LegalFling is hoping to lessen the "he said, she said" thing with an app that can generate a supposedly legally binding sex contract before both partners get together. But will it really prevent problems?

By Alia Hoyt

Forty-five percent of U.S. adults are unmarried, and most of us face first-date jitters: We worry about what to wear and what to talk about before we even know if the chemistry's there. So how can we calm our nerves and put our best face forward?

By Maria Trimarchi


You've finally found a guy you really like, and you're ready to spend some quality time getting to know him. So how can you get a date with him?

By Kim Williamson

Talking on the phone is a necessary step in the adolescent courtship ritual. Sure, there's talking at school, or commenting on Facebook, but bridging the gap between those activities and an actual date usually involves the telephone.

By Meghan E. Smith

Although more girls don't expect a guy to look like he just walked out of a glossy magazine ad, it does help to pay attention to your appearance before a date. We've got five tips to keep you looking sharp for the big night.

By Christine Venzon

Talking to a girl you like can sometimes seem nerve-wracking. What if she rejects you or makes fun of you? On the other hand, what if she likes you and wants to date you too? If you're shy, we've got some tips to improve your chances of making a great first impression.

By Laurie L. Dove


When you're interested in someone, making a good first impression is key, so hold your head high, take a deep breath and follow our tips for approaching that guy who caught your eye. And remember, if you don't ask for what you want, you won't get it.

By Maria Trimarchi

Remember when it was easy to tell when someone was interested in you? But as we get older, the dating scene becomes much trickier. But don't worry. There are ways to let someone know you're checking them out, and flirting is one of them.

By Alison Kim Perry

More than 96 million Americans over the age of 18 are single. And there are probably scores of people right now chatting on the phone about crucial first-date decisions like what to wear and what to talk about. But we've got five great ideas for making the most important first date decision: what to do.

By Alison Kim Perry

is like selling or buying a car. So, how do you tell if he's just taking a test drive, if she's in for the long haul or -- worse yet -- you've got a lemon on your hands?

By Victoria Vogt


So you've convinced someone to go on a date with you -- congratulations! Now what are you supposed to talk about? Knowing what to ask can spark good conversation and let you learn more about your potential love interest.

By Caitlin Uttley

Sweaty palms, shaky limbs, awkward pauses -- it's easy to get a little nervous before a date with a girl you like. But with a few easy tips a little courage, you can come off as confident and sure of yourself.

By Cherise Threewitt

You've landed a date with someone new, and now you need to make a great first impression. If you want to score that second date, be sure to avoid these 10 dating faux pas!

By Stephanie Watson

A guy can be successful, nice, funny, and still manage to strike out with girls all the time. It's frustrating and demoralizing when you don't know what you're doing wrong. But don't worry -- you can change your technique without changing who you are.

By Jane McGrath


So, there's this girl. You like her a lot, right? And you think there's a pretty good chance she likes you. You decide that it might be time to move things to the next level. The next (nerve-racking) level, of course, is talking to her on the phone.

By Meghan E. Smith

Remember when asking someone on a date was as simple as making a phone call? If you do, you're probably reminiscing about the days before December 1992, the month that dating changed forever. That month marked the birth of the text message -- but should you use it to ask someone out?

By Josh Clark

"You gotta make the money first. Then when you make the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women," says gangster Tony Montana in the 1983 film "Scarface." The line may be iconic, but it's also woefully wrong -- you don't need tons of cash to woo a woman.

By Tristin Hopper

In the Internet age, the drama surrounding the end of a relationship can spread quickly when people share friends with one another over social networks like Facebook. Is there any way to prevent it?

By Nathan Chandler


If you find yourself singing "Another One Bites the Dust," after yet another sorry date, we've got some good news. There are ways to rescue that date from disaster and turn it into (we hope) an enjoyable experience. Read on.

By Sarah Grace McCandless

Win her over by giving her a 'just because' gift. It doesn't have to be expensive, but it has to be heartfelt. Learn how to find the perfect gift that will make her gush.

By writers

As if puberty isn't sometimes confusing enough, this is also the time most teenagers start dating. Gain insight into teen dating with the help of this article.

By writers

Pickup lines are daring and risky -- they could get you a giggle or a slap in the face. If you're willing to take a chance, try out these pickup lines.

By writers


What is rosacea and how does it effect skin? Learn more about this common skin ailment and how it can be managed in this article.

By Coulson Duerksen

With today's dating styles as varied and eclectic as Elton John's wardrobe, it's difficult to draw any distinctions on the modern rules of love and dating. Read about 19 young adults' opinions of love, dating and marriage.

By writers