Daily Skin Care Tips
Daily skin care tips often include product recommendations and regimen suggestions. Learn more about daily skin care tips at HowStuffWorks.
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It's easy to take your skin for granted, but the largest organ of the human body is also one of the most important. One of the many things it can do is act as a barrier, keeping harmful substances out while holding the right amount of water in.
That seemingly endless aisle of facial cleansers touting their ability to beautify your skin is daunting for most people. When there are so many choices, where do you start? We've got five tips to keep in mind.
By Tom Scheve
Selecting a facial moisturizer can be as frustrating as noticing a pimple before a hot date. And since moisturizers stay on the skin for extended periods of time, the wrong ones can wreak pore-clogging, skin-irritating havoc.
Taking an aspirin a day is believed to prevent heart disease in certain people, but, like most drugs, it doesn't come without side effects. Find out what aspirin could do to your skin.
Do you floss, shower, comb your hair? Take a look at how your daily routine affects your health and learn about personal hygiene with this image gallery.
Skin is the largest and most visible organ of your body. It's a bellwether to your overall health. Healthy skin also can do wonders for self-esteem. Read these skin-care tips.