It makes sense though right? Eating clean green food keeps junk like chemicals and toxins out of the body which helps to maintain that must-have gorgeous complexion and mandatory svelte physique. Models are paid to be beautiful. So, why not take a nod from their diets and green yours too?
Andrea Orbeck, who is pretty much the go-to personal trainer to for a slew of Victoria's Secret models (including Heidi Klum and Karolina Kurkova), not only helps her clients out when it comes to exercise, but she has a serious say in their diets too.
Models and celebrities are known for their bodies, their skin tone and their beautiful complexion. While genetics undeniably plays a role, their appearance has much to do with their nutritional regimen.
Muscle tone and shape, skin quality, intestinal function and energy levels all require ingredients that provide more healthy opportunities to thrive and compliment a fitness routine that focuses on fat loss, muscle shape and mental wellness. That's why Andrea puts all of her models and clients on green and organic diets.
On the next page, discover why supermodels eat organic.