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Male Breast Cancer Is Rare, But Real

HowStuffWorks finds out why men get breast cancer, what the symptoms are and how it is treated.

No Joke: Dead Butt Syndrome Is a Real Pain

Science rarely says anything good about sitting all day. But if spend too much time on your bum, you could end up killing it. We'll explain.

IV Drip Bars Are a Hot Trend, But Are They Safe?

IV drip therapy has hit the mainstream, but is it a good idea? HowStuffWorks looks at the trendy new out-of-the-bag therapy.

Should You Always Take Off Your Shoes in Your Home?

HowStuffWorks asks whether it's a healthy move to take your shoes off as soon as you get inside your home.

Insights on Alzheimer's From the Long-running Nun Study

HowStuffWorks looks at the long-running study on nuns and Alzheimer's disease and the various lessons learned over the decades.

Is Sapiosexuality a Real Thing?

Does sapiosexuality really exist? HowStuffWorks raises an eyebrow and takes a look.

Why Do Antidepressants Have Warnings About Suicidal Thoughts?

Why do so many drugs that treat depression have warnings that suicidal thoughts could increase? Is the treatment even worse than the cure?

Bagel, Muffin or Doughnut: Which Is the Best and Worst, Healthwise?

We examine the nutritional profiles of bagels, doughnuts and muffins to find out which one is best and worst for you and how to make them healthier.

Scurvy: The Scourge of the High Seas Remains at Large Today

HowStuffworks looks at the symptoms and treatment of scurvy and why it was so associated with sailors and pirates.

9 Refreshing Uses for Peppermint Oil

HowStuffWorks explores some of the many uses for peppermint oil, like soothing IBS, relieving headaches, repelling insects and even fighting cancer.

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