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Many Animals Eat Grass So Why Don't Humans?

We may love the smell of a fresh-cut lawn, but those grass clippings don't make a good salad. HowStuffWorks looks at why humans don't eat grass.

If the Idea of a Phone Call Triggers Serious Anxiety, You're Not Alone

Is telephobia a real disorder? Learn more about social anxiety and telephones in this HowStuffWorks article.

There's Science Behind the Secrets We Humans Keep

How do secrets affect the human body and psyche? Learn more about the science behind secrets in this HowStuffWorks article.

Would Exercise Work Better if We Did It Naked?

What are the benefits of nude exercise? Learn more about exercise clothing and nudity in this HowStuffWorks article.

Why Feeling Clean Feels So Good

Human beings are hard-wired to function better in a clean environment. HowStuffWorks looks at why.

Love at First Sight? A Study Says It's Probably Just Lust

Love or Lust? HowStuffWorks looks at a new study that determines whether love at first sight really exists.

'Man Flu' Could Be a Real Thing

A Canadian scientist found that men really are more susceptible to respiratory complications than women. HowStuffWorks looks at a study on 'man flu.'

What Happens If Your Adult Teeth Just Don't Come In?

There are several reasons that adult teeth might not come in. HowStuffWorks looks at different scenarios.

LSD Is Making a Comeback in Very Small Doses

Is microdosing LSD just a fad or is it time to take a comprehensive look at its potential benefits? Find out what experts think at HowStuffWorks.

How Hoarding Works

Hoarding is a serious mental illness that is extremely hard to treat. Find out what we've learned about the disorder from HowStuffWorks.

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