Ouch! You've just enjoyed a little beach time on your day off. Or maybe you spent the day skiing - and since it was a cloudy day, you figured you didn't need sunscreen. But when you touch your red skin, you remember that you should have used some.
Don't be fooled by clouds. You can get sunburn on sunny days or cloudy days, and if you're outside all day, one application won't be enough -- even if you're not in the water.
You know sunburn can hurt, but what causes it? If you're outside, your sunburn is caused by the sun's UV (ultraviolet) rays. UV rays are wavelengths of sunlight too short for humans to see. The sun emits three kinds of rays. Two of them -- UVA and UVB -- cause sunburn. UVA rays can age your skin on top of causing burns.
The sun isn't the only source of harmful UV rays. Tanning bed lamps can also cause harm and sunburn. The truth is, there's really no safe way to expose your sun to UV rays. And sunburn isn't always easy to treat or relieve.
When treating sunburn, you can make your own remedies at home or buy products at the store. But you might be wondering what combination is the most effective, or if there's anything that can prevent peeling. What should you do if you develop blisters, get a fever or start to vomit? You'll learn the answer to these and other questions in this article.
If you're in pain now, your concern is most likely how to get relief -- and fast! Click to the next section to find out which sunburn treatment products work best.