Sun Care
Sun care is extremely important for maintaining healthy skin. Learn more about sun care at HowStuffWorks.
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SPF30 will protect more like SPF 15 if you don't apply as much sunscreen as the experts recommend. And a study showed that most people put on far too little. But what's the right amount anyway?
By Dave Roos
Though sunscreen has protected our skin for decades, scientists still have questions about the intricacies of its photoprotective properties.
Getting ready to spend a day in the sun? Think twice before reaching for last year's sunscreen. Even if the bottle's still full, the lotion doesn't last forever. Don't get burned!
I remember when I first learned about spray tanning. I was thrilled. No longer would I need to worry about the rays outside because I could get that glowing tan in a bottle.
By Sara Novak
The sun can do much more damage than simply give you a painful sunburn. Learn some ways to easily minimize sun exposure so you can spend time outdoors safely.
If you've overexposed your skin to the sun and end up with a sunburn, these home remedies can make you a bit more comfortable. See 10 home remedies for sunburns to get started.
Most of us know that you should protect yourself from the sun when you go outside. But many outdoor activities, like swimming at the beach or playing sports, can wash off sunscreen. Is it really possible for a sunscreen to be sweat-proof?
A bronzed skin is de rigueur in some circles, but with the risks from sun and tanning bed exposure, what's a health-conscious person to do? How does a spray tan deepen your color, and is it safe?
Are tanning beds more or less safe than the sun? Is a base tan a good way to protect your skin? Before you risk your hide for a bronze glow, demystify what you know about tanning.
Even the most knowledgeable and diligent sunscreen users can come home from a day in the great outdoors with burnt skin in certain places. What spots do we tend to miss when we're slathering ourselves with SPF?
Don't be fooled by clouds. You can get sunburn on sunny days or cloudy days -- and if you're outside all day, one application won't be enough. But if you do end up with a burn, here's how to treat it.
Wearing sunscreen is a well-known way to block UV rays, but it isn't the final word on sun protection anymore. In what other ways can sun-lovers ward off skin damage?
Does the idea of getting a tan without having to actually sit out under the hot, baking sun appeal to you? If so, maybe you've considered tanning lotions. But how do sunless tanners actually work, if they work at all?
We've known for a while that a suntan is not exactly a healthy glow. And now we're learning that tanning beds -- once touted as a safer alternative to the sun -- are more dangerous than we thought.
It's common knowledge that sun exposure can cause sunburns and even skin cancer. But does the sun affect dark-skinned people the same way it affects people with lighter complexions?
There are numerous ways to get rid of unsightly scars, but did you know that sun exposure can actually make healing scars more noticeable?
Nobody likes getting sunburned -- peeling skin and red, itchy patches can ruin a weekend before you know it. And if it's happened without sunscreen, you may be in for even more pain. How long does it take for unprotected skin to burn?
Over-the-counter sunscreens offer some of the best protection available against harmful UV rays. But how long can that protection actually last?
Skin color may be superficial, but the effects of pigment on our overall health can run deep. In what ways can understanding skin pigmentation help keep your body safe?
If you've had sun blisters from a severe sunburn, you know it isn't a pleasant experience. But if you're armed with sunscreen and some common sense, sun blisters are easy to prevent.
Sun exposure is good for you in small doses, but too much can lead to dangerous conditions, such as sun poisoning. How is sun poisoning different from sunburn, and what should you do if you get it?
By Jane McGrath
You may be familiar with pollen, pet and food allergies, but did you know that many people have sun allergies? Sun rash is an allergic reaction to the sun, but what causes it and how can you prevent it?
How do you fake a sun-kissed look without tanning beds and sunless-tanning lotion? Tanning pills are one alternative. Find out how they work -- and if they're safe.
UV radiation has always been the enemy of sun worshippers, but now we know it can harm people indoors, too. What exactly are UV rays, and how do they cause so much damage?
If you've ever experienced a sunburn, chances are it happened at the beach. What is it about the beach that makes us susceptible to sun damage? Is there more to it than the fact that most beach locales are hot?