Senior Health

By: Liz Ward
As a senior, a healthy lifestyle becomes crucial. However, you may not know what exactly is healthy for your changing body. Learn about senior health. See more pictures of healthy aging.

First, the good news: With advances in science and technology, the average life expectancy for Americans has jumped up by about 25 years. In fact, the fastest growing segment of the population is the 85-plus age group. Unfortunately, this longevity comes with a price.

As you age, you become increasingly susceptible to chronic illness, including heart disease, osteoporosis, cancer, and arthritis. And while advances in the healthcare industry can help fend off diseases and other consequences of aging, medicine alone is not enough.


A healthy lifestyle is always your greatest asset. What you eat and drink and how physically active you are all greatly influence your risk of disease. However -- now that you're older -- your dietary needs are changing. Suddenly, nutrients that were important when you were younger can be dangerous at high doses. Also, you've probably noticed you cannot hit the gym with the same reckless abandon you had twenty years ago.

In the articles below, we have mapped out your changing nutrition needs in detailed, easy-to-understand language. We have also rated various diet plans and shown how they will work for an individual over the age of 50. Because diet and exercise go together, we've provided step-by-step instructions on how to start an exercise program that will suit your lifestyle. Finally, we will help you navigate your way through the jungle of herbs and supplements that claim to have fantastic anti-aging properties. To begin learning about your changing health needs as a senior, see:


