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Human-caused CO2 Emissions Could Decrease Grain Protein, Risking Health of Millions

How would human-caused carbon dioxide emissions affect the world's grains? Learn about a risk of nutrition deficiency in this HowStuffWorks article.

Scientists Discover Something Mind-blowing About How Usain Bolt Runs

What is unique about the way Usain Bolt runs? Learn more about a new scientific study of Usain Bolt's stride in this HowStuffWorks artlcle.

Why Do People Fall Asleep in Movie Theaters?

What is it about movie theaters that make them ideal places to take a nap? HowStuffWorks investigates why people fall asleep in movie theaters.

Blind People Don't Always Have the Same Facial Expressions as Sighted People

How do the expressions of blind people differ from the sighted? Learn more about blind facial expressions from HowStuffWorks.

To Make Up After a Row, Men Want Sex, Women Want Quality Time

What's the best way to reconcile after an argument? HowStuffWorks looks at a study exploring how men and women see it very differently.

Is Height a Factor in Our Health and Happiness?

How does height affect happiness and health? Learn more in this HowStuffWorks article and Stuff to Blow Your Mind podcast.

Why Just 5% of Americans Account for 50% of U.S. Health Care Spending

Who are these 'super-users' and how do we get those health care dollars under control? HowStuffWorks investigates.

Suicide Afflicts Farmers at Rate Shockingly Higher Than All Other Jobs

How does suicide afflict farmers more than other professions? Learn more about farmers and mental health in this HowStuffWorks article.

Hundreds of Scientists Call for Tighter Limits on Common Antibacterial Chemical

Experts are calling for stronger restrictions on the chemical triclosan. Learn more about the antimicrobial chemical in this HowStuffWorks article.

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