Daily Skin Care

Daily skin care helps promote good hygiene. Learn more about daily skin care at HowStuffWorks.

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Daily bathing used to be a bit of a hassle, but it's since become a staple of everyday life. We all love our morning showers, but can our skins take the strain?

By Josh Clark

Everyday, your skin braves the elements to insulate and protect your insides and keep you looking great on the outside. So, protect it with a daily body moisturizer.

By Cristen Conger

When it's time to rub-a-dub-dub, are you more of a soap or body wash kind of person? If you're asking yourself, "Does it matter?" then you should be clicking through this article to learn why it definitely does.

By Tom Scheve


Although we usually think of it as a difficult high school problem, oily skin can affect people of all ages. If you take the right steps, however, it's possible to cleanse excess oil and maintain a glowing tone.

By John Barrymore

It's easy to take your skin for granted, but the largest organ of the human body is also one of the most important. One of the many things it can do is act as a barrier, keeping harmful substances out while holding the right amount of water in.

By John Barrymore

As summer drifts into winter and the months get colder, do you feel your skin tightening up? Caring for your skin in the winter can be more important than you think, and there's more than one way to keep Jack Frost from making you dry and itchy.

By Sarah Siddons

That seemingly endless aisle of facial cleansers touting their ability to beautify your skin is daunting for most people. When there are so many choices, where do you start? We've got five tips to keep in mind.

By Tom Scheve


Selecting a facial moisturizer can be as frustrating as noticing a pimple before a hot date. And since moisturizers stay on the skin for extended periods of time, the wrong ones can wreak pore-clogging, skin-irritating havoc.

By Cristen Conger

Taking an aspirin a day is believed to prevent heart disease in certain people, but, like most drugs, it doesn't come without side effects. Find out what aspirin could do to your skin.

By John Barrymore

Most people experience foot problems during their lives, but good foot skin care can prevent many of these problems and even contribute to your overall health. Learn how you can put your best foot forward.

By Sarah Siddons

Millions of Americans have dry skin, but with so many cleansers, lotions and creams on the market, developing a daily dry skin care regimen can be overwhelming.

By Sarah Siddons


Do you floss, shower, comb your hair? Take a look at how your daily routine affects your health and learn about personal hygiene with this image gallery.

By Sara Cheshire

Skin is the largest and most visible organ of your body. It's a bellwether to your overall health. Healthy skin also can do wonders for self-esteem. Read these skin-care tips.

By Editors of Consumer Guide