Mole Removal Overview

Mole Removal Procedures

Whether you're removing your mole for cosmetic purposes or for health reasons, there are two main methods of mole removal: excision with stitches and excision with cauterization. Both of these mole-removal methods are considered surgical procedures, and an anesthetic will be used to numb the area around the mole [source: Mayo Clinic].

Excision with cauterization involves using a scalpel to shave a mole down to skin level or just below it. This will inevitably cause bleeding, which the doctor will stop using either an electrical instrument or a solution to cauterize the affected area. Excision with stitches involves a slightly deeper cut than the previous method -- a surgeon will determine how much skin surrounding the mole must also be removed and then draw an outline around it. The surgeons cuts the entire area is cut out of the body, and uses stitches are used to close the wound [source: Schlessinger].


Occasionally, doctors may also suggest a punch biopsy to remove a very small mole -- a technique that involves a small incision made by a cookie-cutter-like device [source: Mayo Clinic]. But while other mole-removal methods have been tried, none have proved as effective as excision. If you're uncomfortable with these methods, there are alternatives, such as mole-removal creams. Keep reading to find out how these creams work.