Treating Skin Problems

Treating skin problems can be tricky without a proper diagnosis. Learn more about treating skin problems at HowStuffWorks.

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It's so gross-looking you're really tempted to prick it and let out the ooze. But what would a doctor say?

By Alia Hoyt

If you're one of those people who can't resist putting your fingers to work when you spot a pimple on your face, there's a scientific reason for why it feels so good.

By Alia Hoyt

Under-eye puffiness doesn't do your face any favors. Get the do's and don'ts (we're looking at you, hemorrhoid cream) for reducing under-eye puffiness

By Kevin P. Allen


What are flat warts? Learn five easy ways to treat these harmless spots and rid yourself of flat warts for good.

By Jennifer Sellers

You've been working in the yard, ripping out all those unwanted weeds. Now you're scratching a small red patch and wondering where it came from. Could it be a skin rash?

By Joseph Miller

It's a fact of life: As we age, the body's skin loses its elasticity. But, there are ways to slow the process.

By Kevin P. Allen

Gettingathlete's foot is the closest most of us will ever come to being an athlete, but aside from its familiar moniker, this fungal infection really has nothing to do with sports. When the symptoms arise, these remedies could offer relief.

By Kevin P. Allen


Although sandpaper could remove a tattoo, it's not worth trying it. Learn about whether sandpaper can remove tattoos.

By Contributors

It cools. It stimulates. It reduces coughing. It disinfects. But can camphor, an oil obtained from trees or synthesized from turpentine, treat skin problems?

By Lawrence Schumacher

Do herbal remedies really work? The jury's still out on most, but a few have proven effective. Aloe vera is a proven example of a botanical treatment that works on most -- but not all -- skin problems.

By Josh Clark

Acne strikes us all once in a while -- even babies. Our instinctual response to pick at it and cancel our social engagements doesn't help in the least, but fortunately, there are some treatments available that can.

By Tom Scheve


Tretinoin is a drug derived from vitamin A that has beneficial effects and some serious side effects, too. What skin conditions can it treat and who should avoid taking tretinoin altogether?

By Ed Grabianowski

When you're desperate to get rid of a pimple, you're willing to try just about anything to make it go away. You might be surprised by some methods of blemish elimination -- especially since some of them haven't been proven to work at all.

By Tom Scheve

Dirt and oil clogging up pores can often lead to acne breakouts. But how is the mud in a mask different from the dirt we encounter in during the course of an average day?

By Aida Duncan

Some people use fasting as a strategy to shed pounds quickly. But even if excess weight is the cause of your cellulite, could fasting provide a permanent solution?

By Sarah Rutland


Mineral body wraps are a spa treatment that can supposedly take inches off your waistline in an hour's time. Does such a treatment get rid of fat, or just make you look as though you did?

By Mary Salisbury

Moles typically appear in the first 20 years of a person's life, and it's normal to have about 40 moles on your body. But how do you know if you need to have a mole removed?

By Alexander Page

Mud baths can be a relaxing way for you to pamper yourself and relieve stress, but are there any health benefits to soaking in mud?

By Sarah Siddons

Oatmeal is much more than just a nutritious breakfast food. In fact, when added to a bath, oatmeal can provide relief from poison ivy, chickenpox and even eczema.

By Elizabeth Forester


If you have arthritis, stiff joints or dry skin -- or if you're just looking for a way to pamper yourself -- you may want to try a paraffin wax treatment.

By Elizabeth Forester

If you're frustrated by the unsightly blackheads on your nose, then pore strips may be just what you need to help put your best face forward.

By Elizabeth Whitmore

As you age, your skin loses its moisture and elasticity, which can lead to fine lines and wrinkles. But, thanks to modern science, you can fight the signs of aging by replacing your skin's lost lipids.

By Jamie Palamon

If you're looking for an easy way to zap zits, the Zeno acne treatment device may be just what you need. But how does it work, and is it right for you?

By Jason Nestor


Acne scars can be itchy, painful and embarrassing, but there are many ways to reduce the appearance of these scars and make them less irritating. But which acne scar treatment is right for you?

By Shannon Cicero

Most people get age spots as they get older. They're more annoying than harmful, but you don't have to live with age spots unless you want to.

By Alexander Page