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Anger Management: Control Your Temper By Avoiding These 4 Foods

Anger Management: Control Your Temper By Avoiding These 4 Foods. Keep reading and discover what foods you should avoid to help control your temper.

BPA in Canned Foods: The Best and Worst Brands Out There

If the U.S. government won't take a stand on the dangerous chemical, it's up to consumers to watch out for themselves.

Blow Your Nose Less, Save on Congestion and Tissue

If you're blowing your nose every time you feel stuffed-up, stop. Learn more about blowing your nose less, save on congestion and tissue.

Calculate How Much Tuna You Can Safely Eat

Use this calculator to figure out how much tuna you can safely eat this week. Learn more about calculating how much tuna you can safely eat.

Coffee Makes You Smarter, Thinner, and Healthier

Read Coffee Makes You Smarter, Thinner, and Healthier. Coffee is now proving what many of us claim that we've always known: coffee is good for you!

For 64 Percent of Kids with ADHD, Food is the Cause

Did you know that For 64 Percent of Kids with ADHD, Food is the Cause. Keep reading and discover how food can impact ADHD and ADD.

Forget Aspirin for Heart Health: Eat Tomato (Seeds) Instead

Doctors often advise patients with cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure, to take a daily aspirin to improve blood flow and prevent clots. However, aspirin tends to have a nasty side effect: over time, you may develop ulcers due to irritation to your stomach from taking it.

Ginger Better than Drugs for Pain?

New research in the Journal of Pain reports that ginger is an effective natural anti-inflammatory that helps reduce pain and inflammation. Both raw ginger and heated ginger were used in the study with similar effectiveness.

How Electric Cars and Hybrids Affect Your Health

Some worry that the electromagnetic fields lead to cancer. Learn more about how electric cars and hybrids affect your health.

How Much Dark Chocolate Should You Really Be Eating?

Once in a blue moon I'll hear some positive news on the healthy eating front and dark chocolate has time and time again come out on top. This along with the antioxidants in wine is enough to make you jump for joy.

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