Cuticle Care

Cuticle care is important to the look of your nails. Visit HowStuffWorks to find great articles on cuticle care.

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Your cuticles are one of those parts of your body that don't appear to do much, but they help prevent bacteria from invading near your fingernails. So why do some feel they need to be trimmed? Is it OK to cut your cuticles?

By Nathan Chandler

When the nail technician rubs cuticle cream on your nails during a manicure, she's not just giving you a free massage -- she's improving your nail health. How do these creams help fight infection?

By Miranda Marcade

For such small pieces of skin, cuticles can have a big impact on your nail health. How do they help to fight against infection?

By Carla Jamy


Like the skin anywhere else on your body, cuticles can get dry. How are cuticle creams specifically formulated to heal these areas?

By Elizabeth Whitmore

Mind your mother when she tells you to stop biting your nails! If you find that your cuticles and nails are separating, it may be due to a nasty -- but easily treatable -- infection.

By Elizabeth Whitmore

A pair of perfectly manicured hands can add the right finishing touch to your outfit. Then again, ragged, dry and cracked cuticles can ruin the entire look. Luckily, keeping cuticles moist and healthy is much easier than you'd think.

By Sarah Siddons

It's easy to take your nails for granted, but don't make the same mistake with your cuticles. Mistreating those little strips of skin on your nails can lead to more trouble than they're worth.

By Elizabeth Whitmore