Human Perception

Human Perception deals with the way the mind perceives the stimuli around you. Learn how your senses function and help you recognize your environment.

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"Let's go to grandpa's room and see if it still smells funny," said Tommy.

By Laurie L. Dove

It's a term that's often used in an argument. But gaslighting has a very specific meaning that is often lost. What is it and how can you know if you're really being gaslighted?

By Alia Hoyt

Perhaps everyone feels unworthy of their achievements at some point. But if you constantly have that feeling, you may have impostor syndrome. So, who's more likely to have it and how do you cope with it?

By Alia Hoyt


A study found that stereotypes of Americans who identified with more than one race were different from stereotypes applied to people of one race. What were they and what do biracial people think about these findings?

By Danielle Douez

After you try this pungent party trick, you'll never doubt the power of garlic.

By Kate Kershner

Statistics show people have a strange tendency to overestimate the female presence. What are the actual stats behind the "too many women" complaint?

By Julia Layton

"Look on the bright side!" It's advice people have been doling out for ages, but could a positive outlook actually benefit your physical well-being?

By Maria Trimarchi


Girls have better taste than boys — as in the sense, that is. Find out why women's ability to distinguish between sweet and sour trumps mens'.

By Jennifer Sellers

We may not know how to describe it very well, but we all recognize "old person" smell whenever it happens to grace our nostrils. But while the scent may be ubiquitous, its causes are a little less clear.

By Laurie L. Dove

When facing tough times, it can seem next to impossible to turn things around. Find out why negative feelings can cycle out of control, and how to break the chain.

By Discovery Fit and Health Writers

Confident people aren't born, they're made, and we've got the tips to get you on your way to building your own self-confidence.

By Sara Elliott


Mind, as used in psychology and philosophy, the part of a person that thinks, and that experiences such feelings as enjoyment, annoyance, anxiety, love, and hate.

Why does the combination of orange juice and toothpaste have to taste so awful? Why can't your sense of taste resolve the problem?

By Josh Clark

Smell is a basic sense, but scientists are still exploring how it works. Why are researchers, developers and even government agencies so curious about smell? What makes a seemingly simple sense so tantalizing?

By Sarah Dowdey

Taste might seem like the simplest sense. But we know much less about taste than we do about sight and hearing. Why is taste so mysterious? And what on earth is umami?

By Sarah Dowdey


Ears are truly extraordinary organs and hearing is a fascinating process. Ears pick up all the sounds around you and then translate this information into a form your brain can understand.

By Tom Harris

What causes smell? When I walk into a bakery, I smell the bread. What actually has happened? Do objects give off pieces of matter? What has entered my nose to cause the sensation of smell?

Light is what drives life. It’s hard to imagine our world and life without it. The sensing of light by living things is almost universal. Find out all about the amazing inner workings of the human eye.

By Carl Bianco, M.D.