Skin Moisturizing
Skin moisturizing helps maintain skin's softness. Learn more about skin moisturizing at HowStuffWorks.
Quick Tips: Can moisturizing reduce puffiness in your face?
Should you put moisturizer or sunscreen on your face first?
How to Treat Red Skin on Your Face
5 Important Ingredients in Face Moisturizers for Women
Is Shea Butter Food For Your Face?
Is jojoba oil good for my skin?
What Causes Ashy Skin?
Is it bad to remove chapped skin from around your nose when you have a cold?
How Should I Moisturize My Combination Skin?
Learn More / Page 4
Moisturizers keep the skin soft and supple and soothe away cracked and irritated skin. But did you know that some of the creams that keep you from feeling like a reptile actually come from, well, a reptile?
Choosing the right moisturizer can be a daunting task -- once you start studying the ingredients on the back label, things can get even more confusing. What are some of the basic ingredients that you should find in moisturizers?
Winter is the season for dry skin and chapped lips due to many factors. Check out these skin tips for getting through a scratchy, dry skin free winter.