Skin Moisturizing

Skin moisturizing helps maintain skin's softness. Learn more about skin moisturizing at HowStuffWorks.

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Moisturizer can help improve the way your skin looks and feels, but how often should you apply it to get the best benefits?

By Sarah Jourdain

If you have oily or acne-prone skin, you may avoid using moisturizers -- but an oil-free facial lotion may be just what your skin needs.

By Rebecca Regan

If you have acne, psoriasis, warts or calluses, a salicylic acid lotion may help treat your condition. But how do these lotions work, and how often should you use them?

By Sarah Rutland


You may have seen shea butter listed as an ingredient in your moisturizer or cleanser, but what exactly is shea butter? And why is it used in so many different skin care products?

By Mary Salisbury

Dry, itchy skin is a common problem for many people, but what causes it? You might be surprised to find out that something you do every day could be the culprit behind that itchiness.

By Matteson Cade

Whether you have dry, oily, sensitive, aging or acne-prone skin, your skin needs moisture. But what moisturizer is right for you?

By Christina Pander

If you want that summer glow without the risk of sunburn and skin cancer, try a sunless tanning product. Self-tanners can give you quick color, but skin-darkening moisturizers may give you a more natural-looking tan.

By Aida Duncan


Many who have some form of hyperpigmentation -- areas of darker skin -- turn to skin-lightening moisturizers to solve the problem. How can these topical treatments permanently change the color of skin?

By Jackie Weaver

Regardless of whether you live in a hot, humid climate or a cold, dry climate, your skin needs moisture. But what type of moisturizer will work best in your climate?

By Sarah Jourdain

It's no secret that applying moisturizer is one of the best ways to fight off dry skin, but what you put in your body can help, too. What foods and drinks should you consume to help keep your body hydrated?

By Matteson Cade

Dry, scaly skin and all-over itchiness can make you uncomfortable in your own skin. Luckily, you can combat that feeling by adding one simple step to your skin care regimen -- moisturize.

By Sarah Jourdain


No one wants to spend time fretting over dry, itchy elbows. Yet, that sandpaper feel, the unsightly scaly skin and those snags along the sleeves of your favorite shirts and sweaters leave you doing just that. Luckily, moisturizing can solve your elbo

By Jamie Palamon

The cracked, weatherworn look of your vintage leather trench hints at exotic adventures in faraway places. Sadly, cracked, weatherworn skin typically doesn't hold the same alluring appeal.

By Matteson Cade

The sun is shining and spring is in the air. It's time to toss those snow boots, slip on your sandals and show off your toes. But are your feet ready to be front and center?

By Rebecca Regan

No one likes having dry, cracked hands. When it suddenly becomes uncomfortable to shake hands and handle objects, it may be time to break out the moisturizer. What's the best way to keep your hands smooth and healthy?

By Sarah Rutland


Not only are dry, cracked lips unattractive -- they can also be incredible uncomfortable and even painful. But what can you do about that pitiful, peeling pout? Moisturize!

By Mary Salisbury

Many of us moisturize our faces on a daily basis, but not everyone considers their nails. Brittle nails, which can break and chip easily or can peel off in layers, impair daily activities -- what should you do to keep them moisturized?

By Gina Fisher

Neatly packaged nighttime facial creams promise a youthful glow and anti-aging effects. But do you really need one?

By Mary Salisbury

Finding a moisture balance for acne-prone skin can be frustrating. If you don't moisturize, oily skin can feel dried out or flaky. If you do, you'll end up with greasy skin -- and a few more breakouts. What can an acne-prone person do?

By Kristen Hall-Geisler


As far as medical conditions go, dry skin isn't a big deal. But if you have a severe case, it can take the form of a maddening itch or may make you feel as though your skin is beset by hundreds of hungry fleas. Moisture can alleviate your skin woes.

By Chris Obenschain

If you've never dealt with a bout of eczema, consider yourself lucky. Those who suffer through its itchy hell (and suffer they do) know that the key to calming the urge to scratch may lie in how you treat your skin.

By Melanie Winderlich

You apply lotion or body cream to get smooth, silky legs, but you end up breaking out in hives. What gives? If you know what allergens to watch out for, your moisturizer will keep you smooth instead of breaking you out.

By Victoria Vogt

If you have celiac disease or have decided simply to pursue a gluten-free lifestyle, you've probably run into a few roadblocks. Finding foods, drinks and even makeup that suit your needs can be tough, but times are changing. Here are five of our favorite gluten-free moisturizers.

By Josh Clark


If you have oily skin, you've probably spent a great deal of time trying to make it look less greasy. So why on Earth would anybody with oily skin need to moisturize? Think of it this way: Moisture is about water, not oil.

By Shanna Freeman & Maria Trimarchi

Facial creams claim to do everything from minimizing wrinkles to completely reversing the aging process. But if you took the time to read the label, you may be surprised at what you'd find.

By Emilie Sennebogen