
Food, animal dander and the environment are all reasons that some people experience allergic reactions. Learn about the types of allergies and treatment options.

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In order to maintain an allergen-free home, it is important to monitor your home climate systems. This means making sure your air conditioner, dehumidifier and heaters are not generating allergens.

By Linnea Lundgren

Why do some people suffer an allergic reaction to dog hair while others do not? The answer can be found in your genes. But there are other reasons why some people suffer allergic reactions.

By Linnea Lundgren

Allergies are the result of the immune system's mistaken response to a harmless substance like pollen, dust, or pet hair. The response can range from watery eyes to non-stop sneezing.

By Linnea Lundgren


If you've got allergies, you know the drill -- sneezing, wheezing, itching. Know why you get these symptoms? You may be surprised at the answer. Learn about the immune-system mix-up we call an "allergy."

By Steve Beach