Oral Care

You may not like the dentist, but keeping up with oral care can help you avoid bigger problems in the future. Learn all about dental procedures and dental problems to get your oral care on track.

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While many people set aside money to cover medical expenses, dental work often isn't included in those savings. If you have to have a dental procedure but can't immediately pay for it, you may be able to finance it.

By Stefani Newman

If you've got an unsightly gap in your smile caused by tooth loss or removal, flipper teeth could help you out. But how long are flippers a viable solution?

By Tom Scheve

Does going to the dentist literally make your stomach turn? You're not alone.

By Terri Briseno


Going to the dentist is bad enough. But does she really have to use that awkward dental dam, too?

By Terri Briseno

With age comes wisdom -- and the wish that you had taken better care of yourself when you were younger. Now that you're an adult, can you do anything to strengthen your chompers?

By Michael Franco

A trip to the dentist can be as painful on your mouth as it is on your wallet. Read on to learn why caring for your teeth could end up costing you an arm and leg.

By Chris Opfer

Babies probably have more achievements in a year than the average adult has in a decade. But when it comes to the arrival of that first tooth, one thing is certain: It's time to celebrate.

By Jennifer Sellers


Gap-toothed grins are a hallmark of childhood, but should you really pull baby teeth to make way for permanent ones? And can you do it painlessly? We'll give you the scoop in this article.

By Shanna Freeman

Dental formulas may seem rather complicated, but they make sense if you know what you're looking for.

By Emilie Sennebogen

Lauren Hutton sports a gap-toothed smile. So do David Letterman and former New York Giant Michael Strahan. But what about your kids? Do gaps in baby teeth mean anything?

By Robynne Boyd

Children typically lose their baby teeth in the order they came in -- unless there's a little help from a playground mishap to hurry the process along.

By Emilie Sennebogen


Babies do lots of things as they sleep. They may gurgle, cry and roll around in their cribs. Some, however, do something that isn't as cute -- they grind their teeth. How dangerous is this little habit?

By Stephanie Watson

A generation of kids has grown up often receiving a trophy just for showing up. Similarly, when it's your teeth getting the plaque, that's really nothing to brag about.

By Kevin P. Allen

Children aren't known for their restraint when it comes to downing sweet-tasting stuff, sometimes even toothpaste. If your kid eats toothpaste containing fluoride, there could be reason for concern.

By Bambi Turner

Think you don't have to brush your kid's baby teeth? Not true. But is it safe to use toothpaste with fluoride?

By Beth Brindle


Love it or hate it, brushing your teeth is a twice-daily necessity. Although parents understand this fact of life, plenty of kids rage against the dental hygiene machine. So, try making it more fun for everyone with a few simple games!

By Alia Hoyt

Braces are no longer a horror to youngsters, and now the treatments are seen as a way to a better, healthier smile. But what colors and styles do braces come in?

By Brion O'Connor

Establishing good oral hygiene habits early on sets your child up for a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums. But what are the best ways to teach kids about brushing and flossing?

By Maria Trimarchi

There are a lot of great foods out there to benefit children's teeth. Getting them to eat those foods, however, may take some work.

By Emilie Sennebogen


They're expensive, not attractive and less than comfortable, yet each year, millions of American children are fitted for braces to correct misaligned or crooked teeth. But are braces truly needed?

By Chris Opfer

Got braces? Whitening your teeth may have to wait.

By Terri Briseno

Like phones, cars, credit cards and just about everything else, orthodontics are getting smart with new self-ligating and microchip-powered dental braces.

By Chris Opfer

Visits to the orthodontist's office are a rite of passage for many kids. Here are the latest options for straightening your child's teeth.

By Alison Cooper


Too much fluoride can make your teeth yellow, but only if you're a pee-wee under the age of 8.

By Emilie Sennebogen

Fluoride is in our drinking water and toothpaste and is believed to significantly improve our dental health. But did you know it's actually a toxin?

By Echo Surina