Oral Care
You may not like the dentist, but keeping up with oral care can help you avoid bigger problems in the future. Learn all about dental procedures and dental problems to get your oral care on track.
What in the World Are Tonsil Stones?
How to Combat 'Mask Breath' and the Pandemic of Halitosis
What in the World Are Tonsil Stones?
Wisdom Teeth Can Stay, Says Oral Surgery Organization
Dental Work and Pericarditis
Professional Fluoride Treatment
5 Foods That Are Good for Kids' Teeth
5 Great Brushing Teeth Games for Kids
5 Teeth Straightening Options for Kids
How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?
Toothpaste Tablets: A New Way to Brush Your Teeth
Who Brushes Their Teeth in the Shower?
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Maintaining clean retainers is an essential part of oral hygiene, ensuring dental health and a beautiful smile. Whether you have permanent or removable retainers, it's important to understand how to clean retainers properly to avoid plaque buildup and harmful bacteria.
By Karina Ryan
Those with strong stomachs may have watched the videos making the rounds of people who have tonsil stones. What are tonsil stones you ask? They're smelly, little white globs of who knows what that get built up in the, well, pockets of tonsils. Those with weaker stomachs can skip the videos and head right for the info below. And those with maybe a little tendency toward hypochondria will be glad to know tonsil stones are probably no big deal, even if they're gross.
When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? And how often should you?
Now that we're all supposed to be wearing masks, we've all become keenly aware of something: our breath. And guess what? It doesn't always smell good.
Never heard of tonsil stones? They're nasty little stones that can form in your throat. So should you freak out if you have them?
A tooth infection may seem like little more than an inconvenience, but it could actually be doing some serious damage.
By Alia Hoyt & Sara Elliott
Toothpaste in tablet form could be an effective way to benefit both the health of the environment and our teeth.
By Jim Marion
A surprising number of people do, but why? And are there any downsides to doing it?
By Alia Hoyt
You may not need to pull them after all (and spend three days as a chipmunk). But don't think that means the ordeal is over.
By Julia Layton
If you're worried you have bad breath it might be for good reason. You can't smell your own breath so it might be hard to tell - until it's too late.
We're often told that our adult set of teeth is the last call for new pearly whites, but can alligators teach humans to replace even more lost teeth?
By Bambi Turner
Though rare, infection from dental work, or even vigorous brushing, can lead to pericarditis. But what are the symptoms -- and when should you call your doctor?
You already brush with fluoride toothpaste. So do you really need a professional fluoride treatment at the dentist, too?
The guy in the 1940's toothpaste ad has a toothbrush that looks two inches long, and he is covering every bit of it. Learn more about how much toothpaste should you use.
Saliva plays an important role in your teeth's health. Think you know what its job is?
If your child has hand, foot and mouth disease, someone is likely to ask, "Wait, don't you get that from pigs?" No, that's hoof and mouth. So what exactly is hand, foot and mouth disease?
Mouth cancer can be a vicious, sometimes-fatal attack on the body. Knowing what to look for, what to avoid and when to seek medical help is crucial in stemming the disease.
From infection to insufficient bone mass, there are a number of issues that can arise with dental implants. Are you prepared?
Some people enjoy a dry sense of humor, and there are those who like a dry glass of wine. But dry mouth is one thing you probably hope to avoid. So what is it exactly?
Gum disease, gingivitis, tooth decay -- they're all related. We'll explain how to avoid them here.
Gingivitis is an oral health problem that, if left untreated, can lead to painful gum disease. Fortunately, it's relatively easy to treat -- and is totally preventable.
By Bambi Turner
Plaque is a nasty bugger that likes to hang out on our teeth. And without proper dental hygiene, it can cause serious damage to those pearly whites.
We've all seen toothpaste and mouthwash commercials warning us of the dangers of gingivitis. But can we actually catch gum disease from other people?
Nicknamed for soldiers at war, trench mouth, though increasingly rare, continues to affect people in underdeveloped countries.
By Chris Opfer
Sore gums can be a pain in the you-know-what, especially if you have no clue what's causing it. We'll give you some clues to what's causing that throbbing here.