Skin Care for Men
Although men traditionally spend less time caring for their skin than women do, their skin needs should not be ignored. Skin care for men includes moisturizing, cleansing, shaving and more.
Top 5 Foot Moisturizing Tips for Men
Does aftershave moisturize my skin?
Does shaving cream moisturize my skin?
How can I cleanse my skin without drying it out?
How are men's body cleansers different from women's body cleansers?
How are men's facial cleansers different from women's facial cleansers?
Goatees: Cool and Progressive or Outdated and Passe?
Can You Get Lice in Your Beard?
Does shaving really make hair grow back thicker?
5 Skin Care Tips for Men With Dry Skin
5 Skin Care Tips for Men With Oily Skin
5 Skin Care Tips for Men With Rough Skin
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If your daily shave leaves you fighting an endless battle against red and swollen shaving bumps, know this: It's not hopeless. So what causes shaving bumps, and how do you get rid of them, short of swearing off shaving forever?
Shaving shouldn't be something you dread, but it can be for people who have sensitive skin. When everything from chemicals in tap water to fragrances in soap can irritate skin, how can you choose a shaving cream that doesn't?
By Tom Scheve
If shaving means spending days with sensitive, broken-out skin, then you may have shaving rash. Skipping shaving altogether would be a great solution, but that's not always possible, so the best thing to do is learn how to keep the rash at bay.
By Tom Scheve
Shaving began with shark's teeth -- which couldn't be good for skin -- but in these days of quintuple blades and lubrication strips, have things really improved? The answer, as with so many of life's profound questions, is that it depends.
In years past, a man's skin-care regimen generally consisted of aftershave and a mild sunburn. But the skin you're walking around in is your body's largest organ, and taking care of it is important. So what can you do when it's dry or irritated?
By Tom Scheve
Some people have all the luck: the looks, the money -- and perfect, oil-free skin. We can't help with the first two, but if your oil glands are out of control, we have five tips to help you manage.
Sandpaper is great for refinishing a piece of furniture, but it's no good if people use it to describe your skin. If your dry skin is causing you grief, take note: we have five ways to help keep it in check.
The human body has about 3 million sweat glands, and based on advertising, it seems there are 3 million products to wash sweat and smell away. But do body washes marketed as deodorizing remove body odor, or do they simply cover it with perfume?
Contrary to all of the skin care commercials on TV these days, it isn't just women who have issues and need help. Men have the same problems with their T-zones and pores. But are the treatments the same?
By Sara Elliott
These days, men are expected to be more sensitive than ever. But while sensitivity of the heart and mind are desirable, sensitive skin is just a pain in the ... well, skin. So how should men deal with it?
By Carol White
Learn about the social phenomenon of shaving and the evolution of shaving technology.