Beauty Skin Problems

Beauty skin problems are often minor but are always unwelcomed. Learn more about beauty skin problems at HowStuffWorks.

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Get rid of plantar warts for good using our helpful ideas. We'll give you simple ways to treat, prevent, and get rid of plantar warts.

By Katie Lambert

Milia is small, white bumps that form around your face. Read on to learn all that you need to know about milia.

By Maria Trimarchi

Fight nasty bruises the eco-friendly way. Learn more about these 10 natural ways to prevent and heal bruises.

By Josh Peterson, Planet Green


When you were a kid, you collected freckles like coins in a piggy bank -- happily. But as an adult, you'd rather not bank these brown spots. How can you make them disappear?

By Brian Boone

Those blue, twisted varicose veins that pop up on your legs occur when the blood vessel valves weaken and blood pools in the vein. Can this cause blood clots, and if so, are they dangerous?

By Laurie L. Dove

It's true that exercising to boost circulation may help prevent varicose veins, those blue, twisted blood vessels that pop up in your legs. But can exercise help -- or hurt -- if you already have them?

By Thorin Klosowski

Once you have broken capillaries -- those tiny, damaged veins that create red, bruise-like spots on the face -- they're usually there for life. How can you keep from getting them in the first place?

By Jonathan Strickland


High heels make your legs look slimmer and longer, which is why many women choose to wear them. But they don't look nearly as classy when the person wearing them is limping.

By Debra Ronca

When you pinch your skin and release, it doesn't stay pinched for very long -- and that's a good thing, or visits to grandma's house would be pretty hard on the cheeks. But what about when your skin stretches more than it's used to?

By Tom Scheve

Those extra pigmented parts of you may make you uncomfortable or they may be great conversation starters. But what should you do if you want yours removed? And are they likely to pose a threat to your health? It depends.

By Nathan Chandler

Bruises -- badge of honor or lasting evidence that you're a klutz? And either way, what's going on underneath the skin when it turns black and blue?

By Sarah Winkler


No question about it, cellulite can be embarrassing. There are many treatments designed to prevent its appearance. Can using a body brush every day make a difference?

By Jonathan Strickland

Sagging skin is a common beauty skin problem. How do you correct sagging skin?

By Sarah Siddons

Almost everyone has visible scarring somewhere, but many just choose to live with it. Find out how you can make these marks less noticeable to the naked eye.

By John Barrymore

Everyone will get skin wrinkles eventually, but many people keep constant watch in the mirror for the slightest sign of crow's feet or laugh lines. Although they're a fact of life, there are a few ways to slow the appearance of wrinkles.

By Sarah Siddons


Whether it's from pregnancy or puberty, stretch marks brought on by rapid changes in our bodies aren't always welcome. What causes stretch marks, and is there any way to get rid of them?

By Sarah Siddons

Varicose veins, the large, blue veins that often pop up on the legs, are common as you age, but certain conditions can cause them, too. What's behind these bulging blood vessels, and how can you treat them?

By Laurie L. Dove

You just couldn't resist that new pair of shoes and now they've literally rubbed you the wrong way. Blisters can be painful, but the good news is they're relatively harmless and in most cases you can treat them yourself.

By Sarah Siddons

Almost everyone has experienced bags, or sagging skin, under their eyes at some point. But why do some people get them more than others?

By Sarah Siddons


There are many factors that could cause red blotches to appear on your skin. Find out how you can tell if they're the result of an allergic reaction.

By Sarah Siddons

Age spots, also commonly known as liver spots, are common in older adults. Are they really caused by growing older, and can they be prevented?

By Sarah Siddons

There are ways for people to get burned other than by flames or heat. Which one is the most common type of burn injury?

By John Barrymore

No matter how pleasant the warmer months are, there's one word that can leave even the most stalwart summer fans clamoring for cold weather and the layers of clothes the season demands -- cellulite. Is there a cure for this all too common culprit?

By Sarah Siddons


Many people, especially those with red hair or light skin, have freckles. For some, they're a source of pride and character. Others, however, might want to hide them. What causes freckles, and is there a way to make them disappear?

By Sarah Siddons

Friction blisters are a common skin problem. How are they treated?

By Sarah Siddons