Alternative Medicine

It seems alternative medicine is sweeping the country but alternative medical treatments have been around for centuries. Our extensive alternative medicine library covers acne to alcoholism and insomnia to lupus.

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Discover the power of sound frequency healing! Learn how vibrations and frequencies can restore balance, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

By HowStuffWorks

That hunk of glowing salt sure is pretty, but can it improve the health of my home?

By Jesslyn Shields

Kombucha is having a moment as a probiotic that can help with all kinds of diseases. But what does the science say?

By Alia Hoyt


Britt Marie Hermes started out at a naturopath. Now, she writes a blog criticizing their practices, which has landed her in a lawsuit. At a time when naturopaths are fighting for more state licensing and insurance coverage, she shares her story.

By Dave Roos

When aspiring doctors head off to school, they can expect to take a lot of science classes to prepare them for the practice of evidence-based medicine. Alternative medicine refers to practices that fall outside that realm. Are magnet therapy and herbal remedies quackery or worth a try?

By Molly Edmonds

Chances are it happened to you as a child -- you fell off your bike and got scraped up. If you used hydrogen peroxide for those cuts and scrapes, you might remember the tingling, bubbling and fizzing. But what was it really doing?

By Sarah Siddons

When it comes to health, good things often come in small packages. The flax seed is no exception.

By Andrew Aguecheek


Centuries ago, Native Americans and pilgrims ate evening primrose flowers to relieve hemorrhoids, stomachaches, sore throats and bruising. But will a primrose today keep the doctor away? Read on to find out.

By Sarah Siddons

Cod liver oil offers many potential health benefits, including relief from pain, arthritis and possibly even Alzheimer's. But it shouldn't be taken without first consulting your physician and becoming aware of its side effects.

By Olivia Page

This guy looks good with his rippling abs, immense pecs and biceps, and zero percent body fat. He points confidently to the camera and announces it's all due to daily supplements of an incredible little amino acid, L-arginine. But can you trust him?

By Eleanor Duse

If you're getting older and creakier, you may be wondering what you can do to stave off the joint pain and reduced mobility that seem to be nearly inevitable byproducts of aging. Could MSM help?

By Eleanor Duse


Do you ever feel like you'd benefit from ridding your body of all of its toxins? Then the liver cleanse might be for you. Through fasting and adhering to a strict diet, you may be able to increase your liver's health and functionality.

By Sarah Siddons

Better mental function and weight loss in the same bottle. It's an appealing proposition, and one that the proponents of acetyl-L-carnitine make regularly. Whether these claims hold any water is a murkier issue.

By Eleanor Duse

People will try almost anything to lose weight. Diet and exercise may be proven, but somehow, that strange new pill or supplement seems so much more appealing. Enter chromium picolinate.

By Rosalind Jackson

Gorgeous South Pacific beach bodies. A conspiracy theory. A substance that could help treat deadly viruses. A natural fountain of youth. The latest James Bond movie? Nope -- the saga of coconut oil.

By Eleanor Duse


Some people believe that colloidal silver has great healing properties -- such as relief from viruses and skin irritation. Others have found it to be unsafe and ineffective. It's true that colloidal silver could turn your skin blue, but why?

By Olivia Page

For years, ginger has been used to combat nausea -- but did you know it's now also being looked at to combat cancer?

By Sarah Siddons

Bromelain -- a protein-digesting enzyme that's found in pineapple juice and stems -- has many health benefits. Some of these include the ability to reduce swelling, aid in digestion and relieve mild pain associated with osteoarthritis.

By Andrew Aguecheek

What do beef hearts have to do with something that could potentially be used to treat cancer, AIDS, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and asthma?

By Sarah Siddons


For 20 years, ALA supplements have been used to treat a variety of medical conditions including HIV, cancer, hepatitis, vascular disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's. Some doctors believe ALA can even help slow the aging process.

By Richard Winter

Beyond its abilities as a culinary spice and a coloring agent, turmeric has been used for hundreds of years in traditional and Ayurvedic medicine to treat a variety of medical conditions.

By Elizabeth Abbess

Protein supplements are often advertised as an easy way to lose fat and gain lean muscle mass. But dieters should use caution -- there are some side effects you should know about.

By Eleanor Duse

According to Ayurveda, each person is born with a unique composition of the three doshas -- vata, pitta and kapha -- that determine our physical and psychological makeup.

By Andrew Aguecheek


With alternative therapies becoming mainstream, it's important to know the benefits -- and dangers -- of stepping outside the traditional medicine arena. What are the pros and cons of expanding your heart-health regimen beyond prescriptions?

By Julia Layton

Reflexology is a complementary therapy that has some people putting down their painkillers. Is the key to reducing postoperative pain on the soles of your feet?

By Julia Layton