
Food, animal dander and the environment are all reasons that some people experience allergic reactions. Learn about the types of allergies and treatment options.

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Rarely, people are allergic to tobacco plants. Learn about cigarette allergy symptoms in this article.

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Coconut oil allergies aren't necessarily related to tree nut allergies. Learn about coconut oil allergy symptoms in this article.

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Dust allergies can be caused by dust mites, animal dander or fungus. Learn about dust allergy symptoms in this article.

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MSG is an artificial flavor enhancer found in many foods. Learn about MSG allergy symptoms in this article.

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Nasal congestion is one symptom caused by an allergy. Find out how allergies cause nasal congestion from this article.

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Skin allergy breakouts can be caused by foods, drugs or things you've touched. Learn how long skin allergy breakouts last in this article.

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An avocado allergy is much like any other food allergy. Learn about avocado allergy symptoms in this article.

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Food allergies can affect your behavior, causing hyperactivity, depression, anxiety and more. Learn whether food allergies can affect your behavior in this article.

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A gluten allergy can have an early onset in childhood or a late onset in adulthood. Find out more about developing gluten allergies later in life from this article.

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Allergies can cause a wide range of symptoms. Learn whether allergies can cause post-nasal drip in this article.

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Fish allergies are a reaction to the proteins found in certain fish. Learn whether you can take fish oil supplements if you have a fish allergy in this article.


Allergies are the body's overreaction to certain substances. Learn whether lavender plants can cause allergies in this article.

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Mold allergies can result in hair loss. Find out how exposure to mold can lead to hair loss from this article.

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Pollen allergies are typically characterized by cold-like symptoms. Learn whether pollen allergies can make you nauseous in this article.

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Red wine contains potentially bothersome elements like tannins, histamines and sulfites. Learn whether red wine can cause skin rashes in this article.

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Allergic contact dermatitis is an itchy rash you can get from touching something you're allergic to. Learn whether you can have a skin allergy to tomato plants in this article.

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Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic response. Learn whether anaphylaxis can cause inflammation in your joints in this article.

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Some alcohol allergy symptoms include stomach cramps, difficulty breathing and skin rashes. Learn what some alcohol allergy symptoms are in this article.

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Some blueberry allergy symptoms are reactions of the skin, and respiratory or gastrointestinal systems. Learn about blueberry allergy symptoms in this article.

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Some symptoms of a gluten allergy include gastrointestinal, neurological and behavioral symptoms. Learn about symptoms of a gluten allergy in this article.

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Sometimes, people mistake lactose intolerance for a cheese allergy. Learn about cheese allergy symptoms in this article.

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Some chocolate allergy symptoms are headaches, skin reactions and gastrointestinal symptoms. Learn about chocolate allergy symptoms in this article.

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Some citrus allergy symptoms are skin reactions, gastrointestinal reactions and breathing problems. Learn about citrus allergy symptoms in this article.

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Skin allergies result when you come in contact with something your immune system thinks is harmful. Learn about some different types of skin allergies in this article.

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Some feather allergy symptoms are itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing and cough. Learn about feather allergy symptoms in this article.

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