First Aid

First aid can be applied in situations like hypothermia, poisonings and bodily injuries. Learn more about how and when to use first aid.

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Performing CPR on a woman means that, yes, there will be some hand-to-breast contact. Womanikin is designed to help reduce the stress and hesitation.

By Cherise Threewitt

Lots of factors can affect a bystander's decision to perform CPR, and a big one seems to be gender.

By Robert Lamb

Both ice and heat can be beneficial in treating injuries. Follow these guidelines to decide when to utilize each and how to use ice and heat properly to effectively soothe pain and reduce swelling after an injury.

By the editors of PureHealthMD


When you've got a cut hand, a sore back or a high fever, it's no time to dig around for medical supplies. What are the 10 must-have items for your medicine chest?

By Maria Trimarchi

CPR guidelines have probably changed since you tried to perform it on Resusci Anne. See what's different in this critical first aid technique.

By Ann Meeker-O'Connell & Jennifer Sellers