Men's Health

Men's Health articles focus on specific health needs for men. Learn about maintaining good health and preventing common health problems.

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Usually, a couple swipes of deodorant is all you need to be confident that when you walk into a room, other people won't start walking out. But for some people, a couple swipes -- and a couple more, and a couple more -- just isn't enough.

By Tom Scheve

Sweating helps keep your body from overheating, but why does your face get so much sweatier than everywhere else when it gets hot or when you exercise? It turns out that the answer was there before you were born.

By Josh Clark

Does your morning jog cause your face to break out in pimples? If so, you're not alone. Why do workouts lead to breakouts, and what can you do to stop the cycle?

By Charles W. Bryant


If you're human, you sweat. It's one of those facts of life that most of us fight on a daily basis, even though we couldn't do without it. But for some people, sweat is more than a nuisance.

By Julia Layton

Looking to downsize your overstuffed bathroom drawers and medicine cabinets? There's a way to do that and shrink your receipts at the same time -- don't pay any more attention to (or money on) unnecessary products. You only need a few.

By Shanna Freeman

If you lick the back of your hand after a run, you'll taste salt. That gives us one idea as to what ingredients make up the perspiration that's running down our bodies after a good workout. But what else can be found in the dampness?

By Tom Scheve

You landed the lead role in a musical, and you've been rehearsing for weeks. But on opening night, a river of sweat pours down your face and your clothes are soaked. What's going on here?

By Tom Scheve


Some of us deal with sweaty bodies for most of the day while the people around us remain cool as a cucumber. Do the damp-handed among us need to replace the lost salt with a hearty helping of something packed with sodium?

By Tom Scheve

Most of us use it daily (and wish everybody else did, too). Few of us give the product much thought unless we realize we've forgotten to put it on. We're talking about the hygiene must-have that's been popular throughout the ages: deodorant.

By Tom Scheve

When you're up for your dream job, sweaty palms often accompany you to that critical first interview. But what if your hands constantly drip and smear sweat everywhere? Should you hold out hope for cool, dry palms of your own?

By Maria Trimarchi

It's embarrassing when your sweat soaks straight through your clothes. Are there any fabrics that will keep your excessive sweating problem a secret?

By Charles W. Bryant


You know the cliché: Men sweat, but women perspire. You've seen both men and women sweating at the gym and know the cliché's true. But a sweat gland is a sweat gland -- whether it's from a male or female body. So why do men sweat more than women?

By Maria Trimarchi

Dogs like to sniff feet no matter how they smell, but people don't. If stinky feet are the bane of your existence, take a deep breath (on second thought, maybe not) and relax -- we've got some ways to stamp out the smell.

By Shanna Freeman

What's in that spray that's causing those white stains to appear at the armpits of your shirts? And how can you treat them?

By Laurie L. Dove

Did you know a woman's sensitivity to musk is 1,000 times greater than a man's? That might explain why that musk spray you've been dousing yourself with is arousing you more than him!

By Laurie L. Dove


Men, will your heady smell of sweat and scent make her come toward you -- or run the other way? Keep reading to find out.

By Laurie L. Dove

Soaps, perfumes, lotions and even what we eat make us each smell unique, but when it comes to our natural scent, there's something more that makes men smell different from women. Could it be our genes, and if so, what purpose does this serve?

By Maria Trimarchi

Americans spend billions each year on deodorants and antiperspirants, and most people using deodorant will grab a stick, gel or spray. But what about deodorant soaps? Do they really keep you from smelling?

By Maria Trimarchi

Are sweat and body odor causing you distress? The sweat we produce is meant to cool us down when we're overheating (or overanxious), but sometimes the body isn't a perfect machine. So what can we do to manage our sweating?

By Maria Trimarchi


We all know that sweating is necessary to keep our bodies cool, but for people with excessively sweaty feet, there's nothing cool about it. Nearly 1 percent of Americans have this problem, so what can they do? Are there antiperspirants for your feet?

By Maria Trimarchi

Your body sweats to maintain its temperature, but when you sweat excessively, you need something stronger than an over-the-counter roll-on. You don't want to go through life in a wet shirt, so what do you use?

By Maria Trimarchi

We already know that lactose can cause bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, cramping and nausea for some unlucky people after they eat dairy products. Can the sugar also change your fresh scent?

By Maria Trimarchi

You finally have a date tonight with your big crush, but this morning, a new pimple stares back at you from the mirror. Is it because of the summer heat and humidity? Or because of your workout? Let's find out if sweat is ruining your complexion.

By Maria Trimarchi


If you've ever been embarrassed by a dark, spreading sweat stain on your favorite shirt, you've probably wished you could just stop sweating altogether. But the inability to sweat is a serious medical condition -- what can you do about it?

By Laurie L. Dove

For most people, the one-two combo of good hygiene and good deodorant keep offensive body odors at bay. But in some cases, odors are a side effect of disease.

By Maria Trimarchi