Sleep and Dreams

Fall asleep, stay asleep and find out why it's important to sleep. You can also learn why some people take walks or eat while they sleep.

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You know you're not yourself when you don't get enough sleep, but what really happens to your body when the sandman refuses to visit?

By Maria Trimarchi

Can't sleep? Tossing and turning? Join the crowd. Insomnia is all too common -- but what's keeping so many people from getting the rest they need?

By Maria Trimarchi

Research shows that when we've had too little sleep, our brain activity makes us overly optimistic, so we make some bad choices.

By Tom Scheve


The statistics are alarming: According to the World Association of Sleep Medicine, about 45 percent of the world's population isn't getting enough sleep.

By Tom Scheve

Although unpleasant, nightmares are essential to our dreams. They aren't as straightforward as they seem, but there are several common nightmares most of us experience.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Victoria Plummer

We all know that a sleepless night can make us cranky in the morning. But did you know the other effects of sleep deprivation are far more serious than dark circles under your eyes and a short temper?

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Victoria Plummer

From infancy until our last days, our minds constantly produce dreams while our bodies are at rest. But, what exactly are dreams, and why do we have them?

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Victoria Plummer


Don't you hate it when you're having an intense dream, filled with vivid sights and sounds, and then all of a sudden, you're startled by the buzzing of your alarm and your incredible dream fades from your memory?

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd. & Victoria Plummer

If you're experiencing stress on the job or in your marriage, you're likely to see that turmoil play out in your dreams. Why does your brain make you relive the drama in your sleep?

By Charles W. Bryant

Researchers have had such a hard time trying to determine why we sleep that there's an old joke in the sleep scientist community: "We need sleep to cure sleepiness." Have they come up with any other theories?

By Charles W. Bryant

Sleep apnea causes patients to actually stop breathing periodically throughout the night. Learn about the silent dangers of sleep apnea.

By the editors of PureHealthMD


Sometimes, you just can't sleep. It might be a bad dream or a too-late cup of coffee or a list of worries, but whatever the reason, you're staring at the ceiling, wide awake. Will a melatonin supplement bring you blessed relief?

By Molly Edmonds

Are you trying to stop snoring, or get someone else to stop snoring? Take a look at these 9 tips to stop snoring for help getting peaceful sleep.

Go ahead. Take that power nap. Sleep in on Saturday. Snooze through the "Late Show with David Letterman" for a full eight hours of Zs. It's good for your heart.

By Charles W. Bryant

Let's say the sandman forgets to come by and sprinkle you with some of his slumber dust. How much do you really need that repose?

By Charles W. Bryant


How to fall asleep is a complex question that can affect every part of your daily routine. Learn how to hit the sweet spot in your sleep-wake cycle.

By Virgil D. Wooten

The causes of insomnia are as numerous as the forms it takes. Learn how to combat insomnia arising from medical conditions, jet lag and other causes.

By Virgil D. Wooten

Analyzing your dreams can be tricky, but the process can help you to understand the underlying message. Take a look at the revealing information in this article about dreams.

By writers

We all have had dreams that range from the scary to the heroic, but what can a dream say about personality? Find out the answer to this question with the information inside this article.

By writers


Dreams can be classified into common themes but just how many types of dreams can one person have? Find out the answer to this questions and more with the information inside this article.

By writers

Do you know what your dreams are saying? Check out the information in this article on how to interpret your dreams.

By writers

Find out the usual meaning of dreams in which a phone or mechanical equipment malfunctions. Learn more about dreams in this article.

Find out the usual meaning of dreams in which you are usually chased or attacked. Learn more about dreams in this article.


Find out the usual meaning of dreams in which you are embraced or loved by someone. Learn more about dreams in this article.

Falling or drowning dreams often signify insecurity or feeling overwhelmed. Find out more about the meaning these dreams in this article.