Skin Problems

Skin problems, ranging from mild acne to skin cancer, affect people of all ages. Learn more about skin problems at HowStuffWorks.

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Face steaming is a common treatment for cleaning pores and helping skin products penetrate better. You can do it at home, but knowing the proper way can help you avoid harming your skin.

By Susan Sentry

Often confused with other rash-inducing illnesses, a relatively mild form of fifth disease passes through many kids' lives unnoticed. But what happens when it affects adults?

By John Barrymore

Filiform warts form on the delicate tissue of the face, neck, eyelids and lips. And given how much time we spend gazing into one another's eyes, these cosmetic blemishes can be a real drag to live with.

By Sarah Siddons


Flat warts are benign growths and don't cause you any pain. But even if they're just a cosmetic problem, you probably want them to go away. Can you shake them for good?

By Sarah Siddons

Many people, especially those with red hair or light skin, have freckles. For some, they're a source of pride and character. Others, however, might want to hide them. What causes freckles, and is there a way to make them disappear?

By Sarah Siddons

Friction blisters are a common skin problem. How are they treated?

By Sarah Siddons

Most people love being outside when the weather is hot -- having barbecues, going to the beach, riding bikes and taking long walks. But all this outdoor activity can put you at a greater risk for developing heat rash.

By Sarah Siddons


If you see a small, red growth developing on your newborn's skin, it's most likely a common type of birthmark known as a hemangioma. What is this growth, and can it be treated?

By Alexander Page

Having hives can make you feel like you've been the all-you-can-eat buffet for a group of really hungry mosquitoes. And, as if having really itchy welts isn't bad enough, hives can burn and sting. Just what makes these nasty bumps appear?

By Sarah Siddons

Impetigo is a skin infection caused by bacteria that normally live on your skin without causing harm. So what causes these bacteria to suddenly cause the itchy rash of impetigo?

By Sarah Siddons

Dante Rosario, tight end for the Carolina Panthers, was once hospitalized for an infection caused by an ingrown hair. While such infections are rare, ingrown hairs can be unsightly and painful, so how can you prevent them?

By John Barrymore


When brownish patches appear on their skin, many people don't even realize they have melasma. Without targeted treatment, will this common skin condition vanish on its own?

By Sarah Siddons

Most people believe harsh exfoliants help ward off skin problems, but for some people they can cause milia to appear. How do you get rid of these pimple-like bumps when they arise?

By Sarah Siddons

It's no secret that the nutrients from a glass of milk hold plenty of benefits for your health. But can bathing in milk be as good for your skin as drinking it is for the rest of your body?

By Rebecca Regan

Although acne is typically associated with the teenage years, many adults also find themselves fighting breakouts. Find out what's behind adult acne and what treatment options are available.

By John Barrymore


A giant zit on the tip of your nose can ruin your day -- especially since acne loves to show up right before a first date. What's the best way to deal with it?

By Tom Scheve

It's safe to say that no one's a big fan of herpes. But there's an extremely good chance that you have at least one of the eight types. Don't worry, chicken pox is one of them.

By Shanna Freeman

While you can't do much about the way a cold sore looks, you can do a few things to help decrease discomfort, speed healing and keep it from coming back.

Albinism is a condition where your body makes less than the normal amount of the pigment melanin. It affects one in every 18,000 to 20,000 Americans.

By Susan L. Nasr


Though some people might not sweat the small stuff, those with hyperhidrosis sweat the small stuff, the large stuff and everything between. Is there any way to prevent or cure excessive sweating?

By Jessika Toothman

Chicken pox causes you to sprout blisters and scratch like crazy. Why did parents intentionally expose their children to this itchy illness before routine vaccinations became available?

By Cristen Conger

Dry skin is not only annoying, it can lead to wrinkles. But curing dry skin with aromatherapy -- using essential oils like peppermint and lavender -- is a natural solution. Learn how to improve dry skin.

By Kathi Keville

Unfortunately, oily skin is not just for teenagers. The good news is that there are plenty of simple, effective home remedies that help improve your complexion. Read about ways you can freshen you face naturally.

By Editors of Consumer Guide


Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection of the skin that causes redness, itching, and other symptoms. Learn 25 home remedies that can help you prevent and treat athlete's foot.

By Editors of Consumer Guide

Your skin is an important defender against invaders. It usually fends off trouble quite successfully. Sometimes, however, an allergen gets the best of your skin, causing a reaction.

By Linnea Lundgren