Food and Nutrition

Food and nutrition affect both body and mind. Learn about all aspects of food and nutrition, from vitamins to aging to natural foods.

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No matter how healthy your eating habits, everyone needs a little dessert sometimes. Pumpkin is perfect when you want a healthy treat. Then you can have the enjoyment without the guilt. Learn about pumpkins in this article.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Beets are one of the most attractive vegetables in the diet garden. This low-fat vegetable fights water retention and helps flush out the system. Discover how beets can help you beat those unwanted pounds.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Bran cereals are a quick and delicious fiber source. Fiber-rich foods are filling and low in fat. Discover how bran promotes weight loss. Learn what a bowl of bran a day can do.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


Brussels sprouts are a cancer fighting vegetable low in fat and low in calories, and loaded with Vitamin A, folacin, potassium, calcium, and fiber. Learn about brussels sprouts and how they're great for weight loss.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

You can achieve weight loss from eating carrots. Containing vitamins, potassium and calcium, carrots are one of the best vegetables. Learn how to diet with carrots to make meals healthier.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Lentils are brimming with fiber, which is crucial to satisfying your hunger and reducing your appetite. This food gives you that full feeling you will need to avoid culinary temptation. Learn how you can add lentils to your diet.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Anyone wanting to lose weight will be sweet on mangoes. This fruit is packed with nutrients, so you can eat less per meal and still meet daily requirements for nutrition. Find out about mangoes.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


Discover amaranth, a versatile grain high in protein that can be used in a variety of different dishes. Learn about amaranth's benefits, as a easy to cook food that promotes weight loss and good health.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Melons may come in different shapes, sizes, and colors, but they all have two things in common: a soft, sweet, juicy pulp and superb taste. It's hard to say no to melons. Learn about melons.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Milk is nicknamed "nature's most perfect food." While it's not truly perfect, fat-free milk certainly comes close with its high protein and calcium counts and a bevy of B vitamins. Learn about skim milk.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Because almost all nuts and seeds are super high in fat, it may surprise you that we are calling them fat-fighting foods. But the fat may aid weight loss. Learn about nuts and seeds.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


Oats fill the bill when it comes to reducing hunger and keeping you on your diet plan. Soluble fibers in oats fill you up by creating gels, so you feel full longer. Learn about oats.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Parsnips may seem like an exotic vegetable that is unfamiliar to many, but their fiber content will make you feel full and their sweet taste will help alleviate hunger pangs. Learn about parsnips.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Apples can help one to lose weight. This diet-friendly fruit is loaded with vitamins and fiber, and contain zero fat or cholesterol. Discover how eating apples can help fill you up and slim you down.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Pears are one of the most versatile fruits out there. They're great raw in cereals or yogurt. They're delicious cooked, poached with wine, or baked with a touch of brown sugar. Learn about pears.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


Bananas are a great food choice for a sensible diet approach. Bananas provide a fat free package of natural energy, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. Learn why bananas are ideal for people looking to lose weight.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Learn about barley, a very versatile grain that's low in fat and cholesterol free. This fiber-packed grain curbs appetites and is great for weight loss. Take advantage of this low-in-fat and cholesterol free food.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Whole-wheat bread can be the best fat-fighting friend in your diet. It's high in complex carbohydrates, low in fat, and offers nutrients and fiber. Learn the facts to help you choose the right bread.

By the Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Prenatal vitamins (brand names Prenatal-1 + Iron and Stuartnatal Plus) are multivitamins and mineral supplements for use during pregnancy and nursing. Learn about the benefits of prenatal vitamins, as well as the potential side effects.

By Editors of Consumer Guide


You've probably heard the hype: Antioxidants can make you look and feel younger! Some hopeful folks even believe antioxidants will lower the threat of disease. Can there be any truth to this? Learn what an antioxidant actually is.

By Robin Brett Parnes

"Healthy" chocolate cereals aren't being marketed to the kids you might expect. Why are grown-ups the big new target market for desperate cereal companies?

By Sarah Gleim

Daily calorie needs vary significantly from person to person. Learn how to calculate the number that’s right for your body.

Many people take a multi-vitamin each day, but most people don't know much about them. What is the difference between vitamin A and vitamin C, for example? If you don't get enough vitamins, what happens? Learn all about vitamins.


I recently bought a carton of eggs that claimed, "These eggs are high in Vitamin E, contain 100 mg of Omega 3, and have 25% less saturated fat than regular eggs." How can you get chickens to lay these special eggs?

A fascinating article that explains why the B vitamins -- found in a variety of foods we eat every day -- are so essential to a healthy diet!

By Dr. Jerry Gordon